Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology

Effect of the Individual Regulation Method According to the Dual Coding in Improving the Vision Speed and Learning the Front and Back Shot Skills of Tennis


Ali Makki Mahdi Al-Mayyah, Ali jalal Obaid

This study aims to identify the effect of the individual regulation method according the doublecoding in improving the vision speed and learning the skills of front and back shots in tennis. The researcher used the experimental method with three equal experimental groups. The study included a random sample of 66 students from the College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences at the University of Baghdad for the academic year 2018-2019. The study sample represents 30% of the target population. The research groups were classified using the double-coding scale. The number of learners in the first group is 24 (image coding), the second experimental group (verbal coding) (n = 20), and the third experimental group (double-coding) (n = 22).
