Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology

The Effect of Compound Exercises, Kinetic Sense (Hearing- Optical) Using A Light-Sensor Assisting Device to Develop Some Physical and Skill Abilities of Young Football Players


Mohammed Ali Majeed Zayer

The purpose of this paper is to design a device and prepare compound exercises kinetic sense (hearing- optical) using a light-sensor assisting device to develop some physical and skill abilities of young football players. The researcher noticed that there is a clear problem in the technical performance related to the weakness of the players when receiving the ball and making it under their control there is another defect related to the physical abilities of the players that have a direct impact on the skill performance, Therefore, the researcher decided to study this problem and try to find a solution to this problem. The experimental method was used to suit the nature of the problem, by designing two equal groups, the control and the experimental. The research community was determined by the young players of the Governorate of Baghdad, and the youth of the Municipality of Baghdad were chosen in a deliberate way, and they numbered (20) players to represent the research sample. The researcher applied two exploratory experiments related to tests, exercises, and conducted the scientific basis for the tests. The training period lasted for (10) weeks with (3) units per week, and after processing the results that appeared statistically, they were presented and discussed. The researcher concluded that the kinetic (hearing- optical) compound exercises used and the device designed in the research have an effective impact on developing the research variables.
