Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology

Quality Indicators

In the ranking of SCImago (SCOPUS) the magazine was included in 2013. Last year it obtained a score of 0.158 and in the last update for 2015 the score was 0.324. This means that it occupies second place among the Spanish sports science magazines. On the other hand, among the Spanish psychology journals, it ranks 10 out of 23 journals. In just one year it has gone from Q4 to Q3.

The values ​​obtained in the following measures:

  • SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper) 2014: 0.478
  • IPP (Impact per Publication) 2014: 0.444.

In the MIAR database, the evaluation shows an ICDS (composite index of secondary diffusion) for 2015 of 7,454, increasing successively in recent years.

In RESH (Spanish Journals of Social Sciences and Humanities) is an information system that integrates quality indicators for Spanish scientific journals of Social Sciences and Humanities, RIPED is placed in category C, ranking 58 out of 137 psychology journals.

In DICE (Diffusion and Editorial Quality of the Spanish Journals of Humanities and Social and Legal Sciences) in the category of International Diffusion, it ranks 60 out of 161 journals.

In ANEP (National Agency for Evaluation and Prospective) the journal is in category A (high) in Quality Criteria occupying position 17 of 161 journals.

In the CIRC-2012 classification (Integrated Classification of Scientific Journals) it is within group B (composed of quality Spanish journals).

In CNEAI (National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activities), the journal meets 14 of the 18 Quality Criteria and ranks 32 out of 137 journals.

In ANECA (National Agency for Evaluation and Prospective), the journal meets 17 of the 22 Quality Criteria, occupying position 27 of 137 journals.

In Latindex it meets all the criteria (33).

As for CARHUS in its last evaluation, it carries out a valuation of RIPED, categorizing it in group D.

The Google Scholar Index 2010-2014, is 13.
