Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology

The effect of CrossFit exercises on the development of some forms of muscular strength and functional indicators and the achievement of swimming 50m butterfly


Suadad Ibrahim Suhail Al-Kinani

The purpose of this paper is to develop some forms of mental strength and indicators for 50m butterfly swimmers, prepare CrossFit exercises for the sample members, and then find out the extent of the impact of these exercises on the selected forms of strength, as well as the selected functional variables and the 50m butterfly swim. The researcher used the experimental approach for the research community. He was chosen by the intentional method from the butterfly event swimmers who represent the national team for the year 2022-2023, which numbered (5) swimmers, and the training curriculum was applied to them for a period of (8) weeks at a rate of (3) units per week, and after conducting tests on the sample and extracting and processing the results Statistically, the researcher concluded that CrossFit training had a positive impact on developing forms of strength and functional indicators, as well as the achievement of 50m butterfly.


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