Empathy and its relationship to personal influence among futsal coaches in Iraq

Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology

Full Length Research Paper - (2023) Volume 18, Issue 1

Empathy and its relationship to personal influence among futsal coaches in Iraq

Aseel Naji Fahd*
*Correspondence: Aseel Naji Fahd, College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Al- Mustansiriyah University, Iraq, Email:
1College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Al- Mustansiriyah University, Iraq

Received: 05-Jan-2023 Accepted: 20-Feb-2023 Published: 27-Feb-2023


The purpose of this paper is to build and rationing the measures of empathy and personal influence, as well as to identify the correlation between empathy and personal influence among futsal football coaches in Iraq, and to achieve this goal, the research community of futsal football coaches in Iraq was selected, and the research sample, which consisted of (74) was chosen. A futsal coach in Iraq for the year (2022-2023). The researcher built two measures of personal influence, which consisted of (32) items in its final form, and empathy, which consisted of (28) items in its final form. Each measure consisted of five alternatives to answer the items. The scale is given grades (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5), then the paragraphs of the scales were analyzed logically and statistically to calculate their discriminatory abilities and their validity coefficients in two ways: virtual validity and constructive validity of the scales. The stability of the scales was calculated using the re-test method (split-half) and finding the grades and standard levels for them after applying the standards on the research sample, and after processing the data statistically, the researcher reached the results of the research, which are the enjoyment of futsal coaches in Iraq with emotional empathy and personal influence. According to the findings, the researcher recommended a set of recommendations and proposals in line with the research.


Futsal coaches. Sports


Psychology witnessed a remarkable development, and this development was not the result of chance but relied on the use of modern foundations in measuring features, abilities, and personality traits, and diversity in the use of methods and methods of measurement, due to their importance in the performance of trainers and learners, and the creation of two modern measures.

The topic of personal influence and empathy is one of the important topics in psychology in general and in sports psychology in particular. The importance of these two variables appears in the life of the player, the student, the employee, the worker, and all segments of society without exception, due to the influence of the person or his impersonation of a personality that he feels is the best for him.

Empathy is one of the most critical factors that make a person an influential personality and helps him to be loved by everyone, so they obey him with a purposeful desire. The power of influencing people is for some serious situations that call for cruelty or harshness, but it calls for their participation in their social events. Empathy is an ability that allows us to control how a person feels and how it will enable us to understand the intentions of others and predict their behavior. In short, empathy allows us to interact effectively in the social world (Nour Badri Nouri. 2016).

As for personal influence, it varies through the time stages with different proportions of individuals, as some reach the highest levels of personal influence, while others do not reach it, and the reason for this is that it is affected by emotional and emotional factors, for example, the ability to understand the other and assume roles, as it is affected by social interaction and interaction It is between the individual and his environment that determines the course of his development.

Therefore, the importance of the current study is trying to deepen the scientific understanding of empathy, its dimensions, and the extent of its impact on the variables of personal influence, as this variable is one of the emerging topics in psychology.

Research Problem

Measurement is the means of science in the objective and accurate description of phenomena, especially if this description is quantitative. The quantity or number facilitates the process of comparison objectively far from individual subjectivity and gives the phenomenon an accurate description that is not disputed by two, and it is the essence of science. For futsal coaches, it is that he has a clear vision of the players’ emotions and the ability to read them and respond to them is necessary in order for them to be able to understand their real problems. As for the concept of personal influence, societies at the present time suffer from negative social, cultural and psychological problems. It is clear that these crises leave an impact on behavioral practices and are clear on the psychological state of the coach. For the following question

(Is there emotional empathy and personal influence with the professor of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences?).

(Is there a correlation between empathy and personal influence among futsal coaches in Iraq?).

Research Objective

• Building and rationing a measure of personal influence on the

• Building and rationing the emotional empathy scale on the research sample.

• Identifying the degree of empathy and personal influence of futsal coaches in Iraq.

• Identifying the correlation between empathy and personal influence among futsal coaches in Iraq.

Research Fields

• Human field: Futsal coaches in Iraq

• Time field: (1/10/2022) to (22/1/2023)

• Spatial field: Al-shabab Hall, Adhamiya Hall, Army Hall

Research Methodology and Field Procedures

Research Methodology

The researcher used the descriptive approach using both survey and correlation methods, as the descriptive approach are not limited to data collection and classification, but rather aim at analysis and interpretation of the results.

Community and Sample Research

The current research community was determined by the intentional method of futsal football coaches in Iraq, their number is 130 coaches, while the construction and rationing sample consisted of (74) coaches, due to the lack of fulfillment of the remaining coaches’ answer for 57%, while the sample of the exploratory experiment was from ( 10) Coach.

Means of Gathering Information

Arab and foreign sources, personal interviews, empathy measure in its final form, appendix (1), measure of personal influence in its final form, appendix (2), the international information network, the Internet,

Procedures for building the two scales:

The procedures for building the two scales included the steps that are followed in order to obtain a scale that meets the conditions of psychometric characteristics such as validity, reliability and objectivity. The steps that were followed in building the two scales are: Determining the concept and areas of the scale: For the purpose of determining the areas of the two measures of empathy and personal influence, futsal football coaches in Iraq, the researcher looked at Arab and foreign references in psychology, scientific references on psychological measurement, and studies and research related to the study of manifestations of empathy and personal influence in order to identify everything related to empathy and influence personal, in order to define the concepts of these two terms and to identify the main areas, the researcher proceeded to build a measure (empathy) based on the theory of (Martin Hoffman) is "an alternative involuntary response to the emotional states of others" (Hoffman M, 2000, 156).

As for the measure of (personal influence) based on the theory of (Max Weber), personal influence is one of the most important psychological and social topics, and it means the implementation of every opportunity within social relations that allows a person to implement his own desire even if it is against some resistance and regardless of the basis of this opportunity, (Max Weber, 1998) according of these studies and theories, it was possible to propose dimensions of the empathy scale from (3) areas based on the studies and theories that dealt with this subject, namely, the emotional component: consists of affective concern, which is the individual's tendency to feel the emotional involvement of others. The cognitive component: includes the ability to know what a person is thinking, or the ability to identify and understand others, and there is a real connection between the emotional side and the cognitive side with the experience of the other, the ethical dimension of motivation to search for the best and the best in others, second: Presentation of the fields of the two scales: to a group of (12) experts and specialists in sports psychology and general psychology to take their opinions about the validity of the fields of the scales. The researcher took into account the opinions of the experts and extracted their percentages as shown in Tables (1 and 2). According those studies and theories, it was formed to suggest (4) areas for measuring (personal influence), and the areas are: - Influence: is the ability of people or groups to achieve their goals despite the opposition of others, prestige: is the respect that the person or his condition is acquired by others (status mode) Leadership personality: It is defined as having the required enthusiasm and strong desire to achieve goals.

Narcissistic personality: It is that personality whose owners have self-centered qualities such as arrogance, manipulation, demand, and self-love, and the owners of this personality feel great and they are always looking for admiration and do not show any sympathy towards others (Table 1).

Table 1: Shows the expert opinions on the validity of the fields of the two scales of empathy and personal influence.

scales   fields Agree percentage Disagree percentage Chi-2
Empathy 1 emotional component 10 83% zero 0% 5 ، 33
2 cognitive component 11 91% 1 9% 8 ، 33
3 The moral dimension 10 83% zero 17% 5 ، 33
1 influence 12 100% zero 0% 12
2 prestige 10 83% 2 17% 5 ، 33
3 Leadership personality 11 91%   9% 8 ، 33
4 Narcissistic personality 10 83% zero 17% 5 ، 33

Since the calculated chi-2 is greater than the tabular (3,83), then the level of significance is significant

Preparing the paragraphs of the scale:

The researcher developed the required definitions for the purpose of formulating the appropriate paragraphs and asked the experts to express their opinions on all the paragraphs. The scale came out in its final form from (28) paragraphs of the empathy scale. The researcher chose the five-point Likert key with five alternatives (never applicable, rarely applicable, sometimes applicable, applicable, often applicable , always applicable) with keys (1,2,3,4,5) for the positive paragraphs and vice versa for the negative paragraphs (5,4,3,2,1). What is the personal influence scale? The researcher got (32) items in its final form, and the researcher chose a five-alternative Likert key with five alternatives (always, often, sometimes, a little, rarely), with keys (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) for the negative phrases and vice versa for the phrases. Positive (1,2,3,4,5).

Preparing the instructions for the two scales, in order to complete the picture of the two scales:

Apply them to futsal coaches in Iraq, setting instructions for the two scales, which serve as a guide for the respondent during his response to the paragraphs of the scale, and it has been taken into account that they are easy and understandable and that they inspire the respondent to be reassured about the confidentiality of the answer He asked the laboratory not to mention the name so that his answer would be characterized by frankness and accuracy with the numbering of the questionnaire, and the instructions emphasized the necessity of answering and not leaving any paragraph unanswered, with an illustrative example showing how to answer the items of the scale, in preparation for conducting the exploratory experiment.

Exploratory experience of the two scales:

The exploratory experiment was conducted to measure emotional empathy and personal influence on futsal football coaches in Iraq. The exploratory sample reached (10) coaches on Monday 28/10/2022, and they are not the main sample of the experiment. The aim of the exploratory experiment was to identify to an appropriate extent within the formulation of the paragraphs and their understanding by the members of the sample of the exploratory experiment, to identify the total time for applying the scale., to identify the extent to which the members of the sample of the exploratory study responded to the scale, and after conducting the exploratory experiment and discussing the instructions with the trainer, it was clear and understandable, and the time taken for application It ranged from (10-15) minutes. Thus, the two scales, with their instructions and paragraphs, are ready to be applied for the statistical analysis of the paragraphs.

Discriminatory power:

The discriminatory power of the two measures of empathy and personal influence was conducted for the sample by taking 50% for the upper group and for the lower group 74 * 50% = 37% (Tables 2& 3).

Table 2: Shows the discriminatory power of the empathy scale items.

paragraphs Groups Mean standard deviation T value calculated Level Sig Type Sig
1 Upper group 4,2881 0,56628 4,453 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,5707 1,25445
2 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
3 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
4 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
5 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
6 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
7 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
8 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
9 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
10 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
11 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
12 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
13 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
14 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
15 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
16 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
17 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
18 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
19 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
20 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
21 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
22 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
23 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
23 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
24 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
25 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
26 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
27 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
28 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
29 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
30 Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group Upper group
Lower group Lower group Lower group
31 Upper group 3.48 1.28 3.56 0.001 Sig
Lower group 2.56 1.29
32 Upper group 3.48 1.29 2.80 0.04 Sig
Lower group 2.70 1.47
Significance at the significance level less than or equal to 0.05

Table 3: Shows the discriminatory power of the items of the personal influence scale.

paragraphs Groups Mean standard deviation T value calculated Level Sig Type Sig
1 Upper group 4,478 0,768 3,945 0,001 Sig
Lower group 3,854 1,112
2 Upper group 4,288 1,058 3.806 0,005 Sig
Lower group 3.685 0,844
3 Upper group 4,394 0,748 3,356 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,940 0,881
4 Upper group 4,328 0,885 3,578 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,734 1,108
5 Upper group 4,608 0,631 5,737 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,768 1,080
6 Upper group 4,552 0,447 5,730 0,000 Sig
Lower group 4,066 1,022
7 Upper group 4,543 0.775 5,185 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,750 1,052
8 Upper group 4,474 0.584 5,979 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,635 1,047
9 Upper group 4,552 0.610 7,558 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,480 1,051
10 Upper group 4,387 0,610 5,388 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,618 1,135
11 Upper group 4,664 0,428 6,389 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,807 1,063
12 Upper group 4,465 0.410 5,012 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,721 1,200
13 Upper group 4,410 0,480 4,55 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,613 0,742
14 Upper group 4,240 0,675 3,593 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,655 1,216
15 Upper group 4,438 0,483 5,959 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,609 1,086
16 Upper group 4,431 0.551 4,491 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,883 0,885
17 Upper group 4,439 0,400 5,474 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,731 1,030
18 Upper group 4,764 0,583 7,663 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,599 1,214
19 Upper group 4,468 0,544 6 ، 315 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,584 1,065
20 Upper group 4,316 0.696 4,631 000, 0 Sig
Lower group 3,449 1,447
21 Upper group 4,666 0,415 6,984 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,604 1,231
22 Upper group 3,360 1,151 1 ، 85 0,006 Non sig
Lower group 2,902 1,031
23 Upper group 4,519 0.3345 4,123 000, 0 Sig
Lower group 3,998 1,987
24 Upper group 4,232 0.830 3,718 0,003 Sig
Lower group 3,645 1,063
25 Upper group 4,364 0.830 4,521 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,636 1,205
26 Upper group 4,411 0.980 5,868 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,546 0.791
27 Upper group 3 ، 44 1 ، 26 1 ، 80 0 ، 057 Non sig
Lower group 2 ، 96 1 ، 39
28 Upper group 4,523 0.579 5,920 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,569 1.249
39 Upper group 4,345 0,876 4,796 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,372 1,456
30 Upper group 4,764 0,583 7,663 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,599 1,214
31 Upper group 4,468 0,544 6 ، 315 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,584 1,065
32 Upper group 4,260 1,046 4,634 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,410 1,167
33 Upper group 4,523 0,409 4,613 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,764 1,361
34 Upper group 06, 3 36, 1 1 ، 91 0 ، 06 Non sig
35 Upper group 4,3067 5,839 5,839 0,000 Sig
Lower group 3,5506
Significance at the significance level less than or equal to 0.05

Internal Consistency Coefficient

To calculate the internal consistency using the Pearson correlation coefficient for each paragraph with the total score of the scale, as shown in Table 4, which shows the value of the correlation and the statistical significance of the empathy scale with the total score of the scale. And Table 5, which shows the value of the correlation and the statistical significance of the scale personal influence (Tables 4&5).

Table 4: Show the internal consistency of the empathy scale items.

No. Paragraph Correlation
Level Sig Type Sig No. Paragraph Correlation
Level Sig Type Sig
1 0. 3 25 0.001 Sig 18 0.27 0.003 Sig
2 0. 389 0.000 Sig 19 0.458 0.000 Sig
3 0. 4 63 0.000 Sig 20 0.318 0.000 Sig
4 0.335 0.000 Sig 21 0.272 0.000 Sig
5 0.322 0.000 Sig 22 0.457 0.000 Sig
6 0.310 0.000 Sig 23 0.329 0.000 Sig
7 0. 481 0.000 Sig 24 0.318 0.000 Sig
8 0.318 0.000 Sig 25 0.417 0.000 Sig
9 0.382 0.000 Sig 26 0.340 0.000 Sig
10 0. 4 14 0.005 Sig 27 0.411 0.000 Sig
11 0.350 0.000 Sig 28 0.424 0.000 Sig
12 0.512 0.000 Sig  
13 0.357 0.000 Sig
14 0.255 0.000 Sig
15 0. 544 0.000 Sig

Table 5: Shows the internal consistency of the items of the personal influence scale.

No. Paragraph Correlation coefficient Level Sig Type Sig No. Paragraph Correlation
Level Sig Type Sig
1 0.416 0.000 Sig 17 0.424 0.000 Sig
2 0.353 0.000 Sig 18 0.346 0.000 Sig
3 0.339 0.000 Sig 19 0.368 0.000 Sig
4 0.421 0.000 Sig 20 0.348 0.000 Sig
5 0.459 0.000 Sig 21 0.136 0.001 Sig
6 0.382 0.000 Sig 22 0.335 0.000 Sig
7 0.423 0.000 Sig 23 0.355 0.000 Sig
8 0.394 0.000 Sig 24 0.350 0.000 Sig
9 0.416 0.000 Sig 25 0.356 0.000 Sig
10 0.259 0.000 Sig 26 0.322 0.000 Sig
11 0.411 0.000 Sig 27 0.449 0.000 Sig
12 0.454 0.000 Sig 28 0.359 0.000 Sig
13 0.416 0.000 Sig 29 0.387 0.000 Sig
14 0.224 0.000 Sig 30 0.413 0.000 Sig
15 0.362 0.000 Sig 31 0.382 0.000 Sig
16 0.489 0.000 Sig 32 0.419 0.000 Sig

Scientific Transactions of the Two Scales

First, the validity of the two scales. Validity is one of the important characteristics that require availability in psychological scales. The term validity refers to the extent of accuracy with which the measurement tool measures the thing or phenomenon that was set to measure it. 2- The validity of the construction is shown in Tables (2-3). Second: the stability of the two scales.

Half-split method: The stability coefficient was found by the half-partition method and by using Pearson's correlation coefficient between the odd and even questions. In contrast to the items with even numbers, the value of the reliability coefficient of half of the test for the empathy scale was (0.82), and by applying the Spearman-Brown equation, the total correlation coefficient becomes (0.901) for the personal influence measure is (0.782), and thus the Spearman-Brown correlation coefficient was used for the test as a whole in order to correct The correlation coefficient is (0.877) and the value of the stability coefficient is half. Thirdly, the objectivity since the questionnaire is characterized by its paragraphs with the subject matter and the ease of understanding the paragraphs, it enjoys objectivity, and the two scales have clear and understandable paragraphs by the trainer. Personal influence and empathy by the researcher.

Two scales of emotional empathy and personal influence in its final form

The emotional empathy scale in its final form, the empathy scale in its final form consisted of (28) items distributed in (3) domains of the scale and the scale is of the same five-value rating (never applicable, rarely applicable, sometimes applicable, It often applies, always applies), while the lowest score of the scale that the respondent can obtain is (28), the largest score is (140), and the degree of impartiality is (84). The scale consists of the positive paragraphs, which are (1,2,3,5,8 ,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,23,24,25,26,27,28) and negative paragraphs (4,6,7,21,22) In order to determine the standard levels of the two scales of personal influence and empathy, which are approved in the study, the length of the cell was determined in the five-point Likert scale by calculating the range between the scores of the scale. The five-point rating (never, rarely, sometimes, often, and always) while the lowest score on the scale that the respondent can obtain is (32), the highest score is (160), and the degree of impartiality is (96). The scale consists of the positive paragraphs: (3, 5,6,8,10 ,11,13,14,15,16,18,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,30,31) and negative paragraphs (17,19,28,29 ,32,12,1,2,4,9).

Application of the two scales of the main experience

The two scales were applied to the research sample of (74) futsal football coaches in Iraq from Tuesday 6/12/2022 to Thursday 8/12/2022 on a group of futsal football coaches in Iraq and after completing the application, the two scales were applied to the main sample. The questionnaires were examined and all were completed. Raw scores and standard levels for the two scales. Raw scores and standard levels for the two scales of empathy and the personal influence scale (Table 6).

Table 6: Shows the raw scores and standard levels for the results of the empathy scale and the personal influence scale.

Range of raw scores scale of empathy Standard levels of empathy scale number of repetitions is a measure of empathy Percentage measure of empathy range of raw scores is a measure
of personal
standard levels measure personal influence number of iterations is a measure of personal influence Percentage is a measure of
personal influence
50 or less Weak 1 4 ، 1% 65 or less weak 3 4 ، 1%
73-51 Acceptable 24 32 ، 4% 66-99 acceptable 15 20 ، 3%
95-74 Middle 34 46% 100-133 middle 27 36 ، 5%
95-74 Good 9 12 ، 2% 134-167 good 21 28 ، 4%
118-96 Very good 6 8 ، 1% 168 or more very good 8 10 ، 9%
119 or more Total 74 100%   total 74 %100

From the above tables it was found that the emotional empathy scale was (weak 1, acceptable 24, middle 34, good 9, very good 6) the highest level obtained by the sample was medium level, while the personal influence scale (weak 3, acceptable 15, middle 27, good 21, very good 8) was the highest level obtained therefore, the sample was an average level.

Statistical methods: The search data was processed through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).

Results and Discussion

Presentation and analyze the results of the Personal Influence Scale (Table 7).

Table 7: Shows the arithmetic mean, the hypothetical mean, the standard deviation, the highest value, the lowest value, and the skewness coefficient for the measure of emotional empathy and personal influence.

Scales arithmetic mean hypothetical mean Standard deviation upper value Lower value Skewness
Empathy 96.02 84 1.663 134 30 0.871
Personal influence 111.43 96 2.214 180 99 0.279

Since the arithmetic mean for each of empathy and personal influence is greater than the hypothetical mean, then the research sample possesses personal empathy and high personal influence. As for the torsion coefficient for each of them, it reached (0.871) (0.279), which is confined between +_1, so the sample is distributed in a natural distribution.

Presentation and analysis of the calculated t value for the two measures of empathy and personal influence:

Below the level of significance (0.05) at a degree of freedom (73), since the level of error for each of empathy and personal influence is smaller than the level of significance, the difference is significant (Table 8).

Table 8: Shows the calculated t value, error level, and significance of the empathy and personal influence scale

Scales Arithmetic mean Standard deviation T value Level Sig Type Sig
Empathy 96.03 1.66 3433.23 0.000 Sig
Personal influence 111.95 2.214 8.145 0.000 Sig

Presentation and analysis of a correlation between the measure of personal influence and empathy:

Table 9 shows the relationship between the empathy scale and personal influence, as it shows a correlation value of (0.968**) with an error rate of (0.000) (Table 9).

Table 9: Shows a correlation between the empathy measure and personal influence.

Scales Correlation value Relation coefficient Type Sig Level Sig
Empathy and Personal influence **0.968- Reverse force 0.000 Sig

The results showed that there is a strong inverse and significant relationship because the futsal football coaches in Iraq were distinguished by their serious endeavor to achieve what they desire.

Discussing the Results

The results showed that there is a strong positive correlation between the variable of personal influence and empathy for futsal coaches in Iraq, and this indicates the existence of a significant correlation between the research variables, that is, the less empathy, the greater the personal influence, because they do not agree in one person, meaning the person who has empathy High have the feature of influence by a few.

Empathy means having a high ability to know and understand the emotions of the players. The coach is understanding of their emotions does not necessarily mean showing pity, but rather understanding their needs. It also means listening more willingly to understand the motives of the other party through body language, tone of voice, and facial features, and understanding and respecting points of view despite differences with them (Morse, J et. al 1992). The emotionally impersonated has the ability to express the feelings of others greater than their ability to express them themselves, and this means that others are attracted to talking to him because it helps them describe their feelings more accurately (Hakansson J. 2003). As for personal influence, charismatics can accomplish the various tasks entrusted to them and achieve goals, or at least they give the impression of their ability to do so. They attract people to them completely like a magnet. Strength and authority are the essences of this attraction, but that does not necessarily mean that they are the presidents of the world (Muhammad Hassan Allawi. 1998). In her book, The Myth of Charisma, Olivia Fox explained the meaning of power in this context by saying that it means the ability to influence the world around us, whether through the exercise of power over others, tremendous physical strength, or prestigious social status (Fawaz Mansour, Al-Hakim. 2011) the element of power And its interaction with other elements of charisma The elements of charisma must work together to achieve great attraction, the strength of presence and kindness (Kamel Mansour El-Sherbiny. 2011) by applying the English proverb that says: Fake it until you make it Give the impression that you are a person with power and influence and that the essence of self-confidence lies in ingenuity, as having sufficient knowledge and ingenuity in a particular subject will play a key role in increasing your self-confidence and improving your view of yourself. That is, the greater the empathy, the less personal influence (Khadija Haider Nouri. 2018).

Conclusions and Recommendations


• The two scales enable the measurement of the characteristic for which it was developed

• That most of the sample was at an average level and within the normal distribution

• The futsal football coaches in Iraq have a good empathy trait, but the personal influence is small.

• There is an inverse relationship between empathy and personal influence


• Use this scale in all sports and educational institutions.

• Conducting studies similar to the two scales (emotional empathy and personal influence) to benefit from this study with different samples.

• The necessity of conducting an indicative psychological program in order to develop empathy among futsal coaches in Iraq.

Appendix 1: Empathy scale finalized

No. Paragraphs Always applicable Often
Never applicable
1 I am often sensitive to the feelings  of  my  colleagues  who
are less knowledgeable than me
2 I really sympathize with the players' feelings when asking for
3 Sometimes I find it difficult to see things from other people's
points of view
4 Usually,  I  do  not  mix  with  my
colleagues when they offer a workshop or a practical lecture
5 Sometimes I try to understand the players better by adopting
their points of view
6 I rarely imagine myself in the shoes   of   one   of   my   fellow
ambitious coaches
7 Normally,    the    hardships    of
players don't bother me much
8 I have a feeling after watching a match in one of the sports that I was  one  of  the  distinguished
9 I can describe myself as a very
kind-hearted person
10 I think that every question has two sides and I work to examine
them well
11 I   imagine   how   I   would   feel
before I criticize a player
12 When I'm frustrated with my colleagues I usually try to put
myself in their shoes for a while
13 I imagine what it would feel like to watch my favorite team in a game win a major championship
if I were them.
14 I can determine or know what
other people think
15 I get an idea of the players by watching their behavior on the
16 Understand  the  players  better
and  understand  their  level  of
17 I understand the situation in all its  aspects  before  I  take  the
appropriate decisions
18 When        I       realize        that        my
information reaches the players easily, I feel positive energy
19 I get lost in the emotions of the
characters in a novel I like
20 It makes me sad when I see players          suffering           financial
21 I   get   sad   when   I   see   the
tragedies of my other colleagues
22 I feel stressed and anxious when I  encounter  an  emergency  at
23 I         usually         appreciate          the emotions    of    my    colleagues
around me
24 It saddens me when I see one of
the    players  being            verbally abused in front of his colleagues
25 Enjoy the joy of the players as
they achieve success
26 Always  make  sure  to  help  all
players without complaining
27 I can imagine the course of events before they happen when
I watch a match
28 I think of my colleagues' needs
and put them before my own

Appendix 2: Final measure of personal influence

No. Paragraphs Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
1 I  am  determined  to  do  the  things  my  co-
workers tell me to do
2 Force   players   to   carry   out   orders,   not
interested in players' opinions
3 I   compete   with  my   colleagues  to   reach
common goals
4 Make my goals clear, specific and prioritized
within a union
5 I know what is expected or issued from me          
6 I treat my colleagues with kindness and respect          
7 I try to be innovative when I do something          
8 I have a future view of situations that may          
  affect my performance and my work within
9 I  don't  change  my  opinion  because  of  a
10 I  am  aware  of  the  comments  and  gestures
between the players during training
11 I take the initiative in carrying out duties, tasks
that prevent me from failing
12 I don't allow any of my colleagues to take the
13 Forbid any unusual behavior that I didn't like
right away
14 Be sure to follow up on events and situations that  may  negatively  affect  him  within  the
15 Take advantage of my presence in a position to influence   the   decisions   made   within   the
16 I make sure that the plans that the federation management puts in place for me personally are   appropriate   in   order   to   achieve   the
activities that I want to accomplish
17 I oppose the self-initiatives of my colleagues
that benefit everyone
18 Be  sure  to  impose  order  during  training
through intensity and threat
19 I rarely listen to the opinions of my colleagues
on any situation or issue
20 I speak to my colleagues very strongly about the principles that underpin whatever activity
we do
21 I stick to the promises I make to my colleagues          
22 I know the responsibilities required of me          
23 Many  say  that  my  method  of  training  is
24 I trust my ability to make decisions          
25 I consider myself a very self-confident person          
26 It's  easy  for  me  to  do  the  right  thing  in  a
27 It is difficult for others to persuade or influence
28 I alone make the decision without sharing with
those concerned
29 I make my decisions independently of others          
30 Too much praise for me raises my suspicions of
31 Others think that you are energetic and active
during your work
32 I prefer my interest over the interest of the
public institution by using my influence


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