The Functional Burden outside the Official Hours during Corona Pandemic and Its Relationship to the Career Life Quality for Female Teachers of the Faculties of Physical Education and Sports Sciences

Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology

Full Length Research Article - (2023) Volume 18, Issue 3

The Functional Burden outside the Official Hours during Corona Pandemic and Its Relationship to the Career Life Quality for Female Teachers of the Faculties of Physical Education and Sports Sciences

Thamer Hammad Rija1*, Thikar Khaled Mohammed2 and Rasha Abbas Kadhlm3
*Correspondence: Thamer Hammad Rija, College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Baghdad, Iraq, Email:
1College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Baghdad, Iraq
2College of General Medicine, University of Baghdad, Iraq
3Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq

Received: 05-May-2023 Accepted: 19-May-2023 Published: 19-May-2023


The purpose of this paper is to identifying the functional burden outside the official hours during Corona pandemic and its relationship to the career life quality for female teachers of the faculties of physical education and sports sciences .The researchers adopted the descriptive approach using the analytical survey method and correlational relationships, as it is the most appropriate to the nature of the studied problem and the desired goals. As the total research community was identified, amounting to (243) female teachers distributed over (21) colleges in Iraq, except for the northern regions; the research sample was adopted by (184) teachers, with a percentage of (75%) of the research community. The researchers divided the sample according to the needs of scientific research into three groups, with (14) teachers for the survey sample, (100) teachers for the building sample, and (70) teaching for the application sample. One of the most important results reached by the researcher is that: The task of teaching in the faculties of physical education and sports sciences is of a special, practical and theoretical nature, punctuated by a number of difficulties in performing duties easily, functional burdens are often considered the main factor in influencing actual functional performance ,and increasing interest in social relations between college teachers and strengthening human relations helps create a cooperative organizational climate that achieves the college's goals. One of the most important recommendations recommended by the researchers is that: Work on developing capabilities towards electronic work through educational courses and seminars that achieve a degree of coping with emergency conditions, and attention to their well-being and the relentless pursuit of academic departments in providing the best services and compensating them for working hours outside official working hours with incentives and additional wages.


Functional burden. Corona pandemic. Career life quality. Female teachers of physical education and sports Sciences College.


Several academic institutions are a broad and effective civilized edifice in the upbringing of individuals and societies through the development of university education and laying the main foundations for science and knowledge to raise the level of its graduates as the main incubator for the elements of society, which bears the burdens and responsibility for advancing the country’s reality scientifically, economically and culturally,according to solid scientific foundations.

Hence, there has been an increased interest in the functional burden or the so-called (work pressure) that academic institutions face due to the current health conditions and functional constraints, which has led to an increase in its effects, diversity, and varying effects on these institutions and their teaching through their functional effectiveness, as academic institutions seek to continue to maintain their development And its sobriety and ability to keep pace with modernity and control the complexities of functional work by really confronting emergency variables, problems and crises as a motivating aspect of perseverance and seriousness in working to achieve its goals, internal and external burdens are nothing but unnatural variables due to certain circumstances that result from sources related to functional work or the external environment to negatively affect their professional performance Which puts a point of interest in what the academic institution needs in terms of awareness and effective and advanced administrative know-how to cope with the changes and difficulties that impede the quality of the professional life of its teachers, as the functional burden is defined as “the ability to carry out tasks and work that he cannot accomplish in the time available to him and therefore needs additional time that he cannot afford.” outside the time allotted for official work, which makes it unnatural conditions that affect his personal nature” (Shelly Taylor, 2008).

The effectiveness and success of academic institutions and faculties of physical education and sports sciences in particular are linked to their teaching efficiency and the extent of their ability to work and their scientific production through achieving their professional satisfaction, which necessitates the availability of many factors and requirements to adapt to the type of work. The needs and desires of its teachers through an effective administrative approach such as the quality of career life, which is defined as “a set of integrated, planned and continuous operations that aim to improve the various aspects that affect their career and personal life, which in turn contributes to achieving the strategic goals of the institution, its employees and its clients” (Jad Al-Rub Saeed: 2004:65).

The circumstance that female teachers go through in particular, because of their privacy in academic work and family life in these colleges, similar to the rest of the production and service institutions, as a result of the Corona pandemic, imposed an exceptional reality of a nature that needs some motivational indicators for the reality of work. Scientific, academic and cultural push towards aspiration to increase interest in this scientific segment and continuously reconsider their engineering in line with global renewal and development, through change in career policies to improve the level of mutual trust between faculty and faculty and create an opportunity to provide a quality of career life through a safe environment and functional stability to support their work and participation Effective decision-making of the college's work plan and policy and solving outstanding problems, but rather to include social life outside the hours of official working hours and striving to achieve a balance between personal and practical life alike.

If the quality of working life is one of the variables supporting professional progress in the faculties of physical education and sports sciences as the gateway to success for their work through excellence in their services and benefiting from their resources to motivate their teachers towards functional interaction and invest their positive energies in work.

From this point of view, the research and investigation of the researchers about the previous studies, as it touched on the variables of the current study with multiple points of view, which are considered the main supporter of the results of the current study. From the side of the functional burden see (naughty mutants 2014) in his study, which aimed to know the extent of the impact of professional pressures on the performance of the teacher of physical and sports education, using the descriptive approach in accordance with the research hypotheses, as the sample included all teachers of physical and sports education in the municipality of Biskra, who numbered (27) professors, and the study concluded that there is a moderate negative inverse relationship In the light of these results, the study recommended the need to adopt the democratic style in the management of educational institutions, and to give the physical and sports education class its real importance in institutions like all other educational classes in terms of the designated means and special halls for that. (Amin, Motea Hashem, 2014). Likewise, he sees (Abu-Ghazaleh, 2017) in his study, which aimed to investigate the relationship between work stress and functional performance among public secondary school principals by knowing the levels of work stress, demographic variables. Managers are average, and their functional performance is high, in addition to finding statistically significant differences between the average responses in the level of work stress attributed to demographic variables. And (Asia Yacoub et al., 2020) considers her study, which aimed to highlight the impact of work pressures on the performance of workers at King Khalid University during the period 2015-2019, and concluded that the workload affects the performance of workers for their work, but the more their skills increase, the greater their ability to overcome that. And that work pressures represent an important part of the university’s performance obstacles for workers, due to the nature of the university’s work, and recommended that organizations should know the main reason for the emergence of work pressures from its inception, not at the end of the matter so that it can address or mitigate its negative effects, and the university must Paying attention to the psychological and behavioral aspect of the worker before paying attention to the obligation to accomplish what is required to be accomplished for tasks and tasks, because that interest generates a feeling of enthusiasm and desire to work.

As for the quality of working life, it is seen (Mohamed, 2015) in his study, which aimed to determine the impact of the quality of working life on the professional satisfaction of higher education teachers by applying the Walton criterion for the quality of working life, subject in the year 1973, where the study targeted a sample of 167 studio teachers from the teachers of the Bouchaib Center Belhaj in Ain Temouchent, where the study extended from (October 8, 2014) to (May 6, 2015), and this study concluded that there is a relationship between the determinants of the career life quality that were included in the standard used and professional satisfaction, while the personal and functional variables had no role in their representation. There are differences, and those specific factors depend on two main dimensions in a common interaction, as the levels of functional satisfaction and perceived career life quality were respectively (3.47 and (3.17). believes (Al-Qahtani, 2020) in his study, which aimed to identify the career life quality in achieving functional security from the point of view of faculty members at King Fahd Security College, as the sample included (50) faculty members using the descriptive analytical approach, and the results concluded that individuals The study agrees with the fact that there is a quality of working life, the member feels responsible for the work he does, and wants to complete his career at the college, and the study members agree with the reality of achieving functional security, a sense of stability and functional security within the college, not suffering from health problems because of their work . In addition to the existence of a statistically significant relationship to the variables of the study, it recommended that attention be paid to the quality of career life in the college by making the work environment attractive to distinguished cadres. And from the above, despite the presence of functional burdens as an effective stimulus for the work of teachers and an emotional stimulant that pushes them to the goals of social and functional life, as the teachers of the faculties of physical education and sports sciences are usually exposed to many situations and events linked to success and failure or complex situations that require continuous adaptation to resist and control them. It has to be a major factor in causing disturbances and obstructing normal life and demonstrating its negative effects, which creates a pressing burden on their lives with crises that prevent them from achieving their goals. The emergency suffering due to the health conditions of the Corona pandemic crisis and the changing social and professional requirements constituted successive and rapid burdens that make them in constant motion to fulfill the duties of family and professional life and the ability to bear responsibility and deal with problems and obstacles with high efficiency, which makes this a functional burden as a response to resistance and adaptation to adverse conditions and the clarity of its effects. Directly on the quality of working life as a result of these functional burdens through interest in increasing their scientific production, their well-being, their needs for the services provided to them, their psychological and functional satisfaction, and creating a safe and stimulating environment for their performance, taking into account the material and moral support and participation in decision-making and the harmonization between family requirements and functional work and its reflection on their social life without Their exposure to the functional burden, as the problem of the study crystallized in the extent of the functional burden outside the hours of official working hours during the Corona pandemic and its relationship to the career life quality for the teaching of the faculties of physical education and sports sciences.

Research Objective

• Identifying the functional burden outside the official hours during Corona pandemic and its relationship to the career life quality for female teachers of the faculties of physical education and sports sciences

• Identifying the type of relationship and statistical significance between the variables of the study.

Research Methodology and Field Procedures

Research methodology

The researchers adopted the descriptive approach using the analytical survey method and correlational relationships, as it is the most appropriate to the nature of the studied problem and the desired goals. The survey method is based on the descriptive approach, which is accurate visualization of the interrelationships between society, trends, inclinations, desires and development, as the research gives a picture of the reality of life, setting indicators and building future predictions (Mahjoub, 2000).

Community and sample research

As the total research community was identified, amounting to (243) female teachers distributed over (21) colleges in Iraq, except for the northern regions; the research sample was adopted by (184) teachers, with a percentage of (75%) of the research community. The researchers divided the sample according to the needs of scientific research into three groups, with (14) teachers for the survey sample, (100) teachers for the building sample, and (70) teaching for the application sample, as shown in table (Table 1).

Table 1:Represents the research community and its target sample from the faculties of physical education and sports sciences.

Colleges No. Colleges Total community No. sample Experimental sample percentage % Construction sample percentage % Application sample percentage %
physical education and sports science 21 243 184 14 7.60 100 54.34 70 38.04

After the researchers completed the idea by reviewing the challenges facing academic work and the class of female teachers in the faculties of physical education and sports sciences, conducting some personal interviews with experts and specialists, and reviewing the current conditions in light of the Corona pandemic and adherence to official working hours and the urgent problems that require addressing them, it was approved The variables of the current research, as required by scientific safety in the use of solid measures that are compatible with the research problem, as the researchers built two measures (functional burden) and (career quality) as a major measure in achieving the research objectives.

Methods, tools and devices used

• Arabic and foreign sources.

• Personal interviews

• Field visits.

• International Information Network (Internet).

• Forms for collecting and emptying the data obtained from the sample.

• Standards prepared for this purpose.

Scale construction procedures (functional burden and career life quality)

The researchers carried out several approved procedures in constructing the scales according to the scientific foundations used, as follows:

Determine the idea of two measures (functional burden and career life quality)

It identified the idea of standards by adopting sources and literature, as well as the problem that raised these variables for the teaching conditions of the faculties of physical education and sports sciences clearly and explicitly.

Setting a standard goal (functional burden and career life quality)

The objective is a standardized scientific method through which the phenomenon to be measured is identified, which is to identify the reality of the functional burden outside official working hours during the Corona pandemic and its relationship to the career life quality for female teachers of the faculties of physical education and sports sciences, as well as to identify the type of relationship and statistical significance between the research variables.

Determine the theoretical framework for the two scales (functional burden and career life quality)

It is the reference adopted by the researchers to use it to identify the research variables, and a scientific background that can be relied upon in defining the fields and paragraphs in accordance with the requirements of the current research.

Defining and validating the areas and paragraphs of the two scales (functional burden and career life quality)

This step is one of the main pillars in constructing the scales, as (6) domains were proposed for each scale, with procedural definitions for them, and then a set of items for each domain were defined by (81) items for the functional burden scale, and (76) items for the quality of life scale. Functional, with a gradation of five answers (always, often, sometimes, rarely, never) according to the requirements of the type of answer appropriate to the paragraphs of the two scales.

Determine the validity of the domains and their subparagraphs

According to this procedure, the domains and dependent paragraphs were presented and the approved answers were included to the (15) arbitrators to express their opinions in accordance with the proposed fields and paragraphs and the type of research work according to the desired objective, as the arbitrators expressed their opinions by deleting a field from each scale, as well as some Paragraphs that are inappropriate or similar to other paragraphs,and modify others according to the percentage of their answers to the initial questionnaires, as shown in table (Table 2).

Table 2:Validity of the two measure areas and paragraphs (functional burden and career life quality).

No. Measure The number of suggested domains number of suggested paragraphs number of valid paragraphs number of invalid paragraphs valid percentage% total number of remaining domains total number of paragraphs remaining
1 functional burden Functional burden through assigned work 14 12 2 85.71 5 58
2 Functional burden through the work environment 13 10 3 76.92
3 functional burden through social requirements 16 15 1 93.75
4 Functional burden through dealing with students 12 10 2 83.33
5 Functional burden through functional relationships 14 11 3 78.57
6 Functional burden through time management 12 0 12 0
1 career quality of life The luxury of teaching work 13 11 2 84.61 5 53
2 Alignment of teaching and family life 12 11 1 91.66
3 Participation in decisions 13 0 13 0
4 Satisfaction with the method of administrative performance of the college 12 10 2 83.33
5 Professional development 14 11 3 78.57
6 Material and moral stimulation 13 10 3 76.92

Exploratory Experience

After confirming the validity of the scale from the opinions of the arbitrators as the apparent validity of the areas and paragraphs of the two scales, the researchers proceeded to apply the exploratory experiment on a sample outside the construction and application sample of (14) teaching randomly, to indicate the extent to which the sample accepts the two research tools through the clarity of the instructions and the ease of the paragraphs and the type of answer used, as well as the effectiveness of the auxiliary work team to avoid negatives and emergency obstacles, if any.

Main experiment to build two scales (functional burden and career life quality)

After reaching the initial formula for the two research scales, as the researchers proceeded to apply the two scales to the sample of scientific transactions, which number (100) teaching, to complete the building procedures according to scientific principles, and arrange the forms and correct them according to the results obtained in preparation for their statistical analysis, as the first steps were to find the descriptive characteristics of the degrees of the sample answers and as in table (Table 3).

Table 3: Descriptive characteristics of the construction sample.

Characteristics No. sample number of paragraphs Mean Median Standard deviation Skewness standard error lower degree Higher degree
functional burden 100 58 91.172 91.140 5.438 .246- .148 0 58.00 298.00
career quality of life 53 92.135 91.259 4.785 .268- .149 0 53.00 265.00

Psychometric Characteristics (validation, stability and objectivity)

First // discriminatory ability

The raw scores were arranged in ascending order from the lowest to the highest score, with the adoption of (27%) of the sample (100) teachers, as it was determined (27) for the upper and lower groups. As mentioned) "The lowest degree to the highest degree in order to identify the ability of the scale to distinguish between the group with a high level and a low level" (Al- Kubaisi, 2010). As the (T) test was used for equal unrelated samples, and after processing the constructs, the results showed that the two scales have high discriminatory power because the significance values (sig) are smaller than the significance value (0.05) at a degree of freedom of (52) (Table 4).

Table 4: The discriminatory ability of the total items of the two scales (functional burden and career life quality).

lower group (27) higher group (27)
Level sig 
Mean Standard    deviation Mean Standard    deviation
functional burden 2.1692 .13425 4.3789 .34107 -70.057- 0.000 sig
career quality of life 2.0923 .13625 4.9173 .27172 -73.563- 0.000 sig
• Significant <0.05 at (52) degrees of freedom.

Second // internal consistency

The aim of this procedure is to identify that the answers to the paragraphs as a whole are consistent in a reasonable manner with the behavior trends imposed by the grades, as the paragraph represents the concept or feature to be measured, and this is evidence that the paragraph actually measures the behavioral dimension that the two measures aim at, as the values ranged The significance ranged between (0.004-0.000), and it was reached to keep (48) items out of a total of (58) items for the (functional burden) scale, and (45) items out of a total of (53) items for the (career life quality ) scale, as the items were deleted Which was not in conformity with the statistical conditions used for the simple Pearson correlation coefficient, as indicates, “The acceptance of the paragraph is determined if the correlation coefficient between the paragraph and the total score of the scale is higher than (0.20)” Al-Kubaisi, 2010). By adopting the (sig) value of (0.05) or less, as in table (Table 5).

Table 5:Correlation coefficient between the paragraph score and the total score for the two scales.

Simple correlation coefficient
Level sig
Type sig
functional burden 0.1 7 8** 0.00 4 sig
career quality of life 0. 153 ** 0.000 sig
*Significant at the level of significance < 0.05

Then, the researchers proceeded to perform the validity procedure by means of the paragraph’s relationship with the total degree of the field, as it is one of the necessary indicators in building and sobriety the standards, and to ensure the suitability of each paragraph in the field to which it belongs. Significance (0.05), as in table (Table 6).

Table 6: Correlation coefficient between the paragraph score and the total score for all domains.

Measure simple correlation coefficient
Level sig
Type sig
functional burden 0.1 87 ** 0.00 3 sig
career quality of life 0. 159 ** 0.001 sig
• Significant at the level of significance < 0.05

In addition, the validity was conducted through the relationship of the degree of the field with the total degree of the scale, and to identify whether this field represents the phenomenon or feature to be measured, according to the simple Pearson correlation coefficient at the level of significance (0.05), and as in table (Table 7).

Table 7: Correlation coefficient between the domain score and the total score for the two scales.

simple correlation coefficient
Level sig
Type sig
functional burden 0. 183 ** 0.00 3 sig
career quality of life 0. 155 ** 0.000 sig


First // split half

It is a way to measure the stability of the two scales, and after applying this method with the Pearson coefficient, the correlation coefficient appeared for the (functional burden) and (career quality of life) scales, which represent half of the test, as the researchers found the stability coefficient for the scale using the Spearman's correlation coefficient, whose value was highly significant. .

Second // Cronbach's alpha coefficient

When applying the scales (functional burden) and (quality of working life) to the building sample, it appears that the stability coefficient has a high value, as shown in table (Table 8).

Table 8: Shows the stability coefficient values for the two scales.

Spearman's correlation coefficient correlation
Level sig 
Type sig
Cronbach's alpha
Level sig
Type sig
Functional  burden 0.   787 0.00 0 sig 0.   689 0.00 0 sig
career quality of life 0. 774 0.000 sig 0. 668 0.000 sig
• Significant at the level of significance < 0.05

Final scales

After the completion of the construction process procedures and the readiness of the two scales in their final form, with (48) items for the (functional burden) scale, and (45) items for the (career quality of life) scale, distributed over the five domains of each scale unevenly, in addition to presenting it to a linguistic evaluator to make sure the validity of the meanings and the concept of the paragraphs are linguistically identical as an important measure to adjust the two scales from all directions, as shown in table (Table 9).

Table 9:Shows the number of paragraphs distributed on each of the domains of the two scales.

Measure Field names number of paragraphs in their final form total
1 functional burden Functional burden through assigned work 10 48
2 Functional burden through the work environment 9
3 Play career through social requirements 12
4 Functional burden through dealing with students 8
5 Functional burden through functional relationships 9
1 career quality of life The luxury of teaching work 10 45
2 Alignment of teaching and family life 9
3 Satisfaction with the method of administrative performance of the college 8
4 Professional development 10
5 Material and moral stimulation 8

Main experience of applying the scales (functional burden) and (career life quality)

The two scales were distributed to the research sample of (70) female teachers in a random manner from all the faculties of physical education and sports sciences in Iraq (except for the northern regions), with the paragraphs arranged in a non-sequential manner within the areas of the two scales to increase the objectivity of the answer and not to focus on one area without the other by the sample. Then, the questionnaires were collected after giving sufficient time to answer them, and arranged them correctly within their fields and emptied them in preparation for subjecting them to statistical treatments, using the statistical system (spss) to process the results according to the laws required for the results of the research.

Results and Discussion

Presentation of the statistical description of the scales (functional burden) and (career life quality)

After the distribution and data unloading procedures, the statistical description of the sample's responses is displayed for the normal distribution of the items of the application sample, as shown in table (Table 10).

Table 10:The arithmetic mean, the standard deviation, the skewness coefficient, the highest and lowest degrees, the calculated (t) value, and the significance value.

No. sample number of paragraphs Mean Median Standard    deviation Skewness standard error lower degree Higher degree
Functional  burden 70 48 96.253 92.261 4.538 .256- .136 0 48.00 240.00
career quality of life 45 98.158 77.169 3.764 .258- .128 0 45.00 225.00

Presentation and analyze the results of the two scales (functional burden) and (career quality of life)

The researchers present the results of the sample to the degree of measuring the sample level through the hypothetical mean, as shown in table (Table 11).

Table 11:Shows the results of the sample description and the hypothetical mean value for the two scales as a whole.

Mean Standard    deviation Skewness hypothetical mean
Level sig 
Type sig
Functional   burden 9 4 . 267 6. 342 .157- 144 3.236 0.000 sig
career quality of life 95. 267 3.893 .185- 115 3.103 0.000 sig

Table 10 of the results of the sample for the two measures (functional burden and career life quality ) shows that there are statistically significant differences in favor of the hypothetical mean at the level of significance (0.05), as the value of the hypothetical mean is greater than the arithmetic mean, that is, the functional burden and the career life quality affect the Female teachers work outside official working hours during the period of the Corona pandemic, and this is due to the increase in the volume of tasks assigned to them and the large number of lectures, duties and responsibilities on their shoulders, which increases the functional burdens in abnormal circumstances and affects the process of balancing between the required performance in their work and their personal capabilities according to their work experience Academic As he sees (Attia, 2012) quoting (Al-Qablan 2004) "It is assumed that the compatibility between the amount of work practiced by the individual and his own potential leads to high performance and functional satisfaction, while the incompatibility between the two trends leads to an increase in the level of pressure on performance and low levels of functional satisfaction." (Abdel Qader, 2012). This is an indication that shows us that the relationship between functional burdens and the level of work of female teachers is a direct case, and evidence that the functional burdens that currently exist under health conditions are a real influence on their level of work, due to the difficulty of moving freely and adhering to a certain functional performance over the other that may not work in all cases and fulfill the requirements Teaching, which affects the demonstration of competence at work, and thus the strength of the burdens becomes an obstacle to professional development. This applies to the quality of working life, as the results show weakness in the sample responses, since the current conditions caused several obstacles that negatively affected the quality of working life and weakened the work environment through low levels of effective commitment to fulfill all material and moral requirements and capabilities that reflect the image of success and the ability to achieve an effective study system that achieves Both personal goals and college goals. Seeing. In the case of searching for the career life quality through the policies, procedures and processes implemented by the institution with the aim of developing and improving the lives of its employees so that it becomes a tangible condition, it must aim for improvement in several aspects that affect the lives of employees, which is reflected in a standardized performance that shows the positives of work and achieves public and private goals and satisfies desires staff and ensures the continuity of success and immunization from the risk of emergency crises (Al-Balbisi, 2012). However, this does not apply to all businesses or circumstances that arise due to a specific crisis, health conditions or administrative problems, because the experiences and studies that dealt with these variables showed that the existence of a small amount of functional burdens and looking at the career life quality with a kind of intensity is considered a motive Stress stimulates them and motivates them towards a state of thinking and moving with positive anxiety. It is a challenge to their abilities and capabilities to work and increases the desire towards achievement, since these variables represent excitement for the permanence of life, the search for renewal, the quest for change, and the appearance of the optimal image of professional competence.

Presentation and analyze the results of the two scales (functional burden and career life quality)

The researchers present the results of the sample to measure the level of the two scales (functional burden and career life quality) through the values obtained from the statistical results, as shown in table (Table 12).

Table 12:Shows the results of the sample description and the hypothetical mean value for each domain.

Fields Mean Standard    deviation hypothetical mean
Level sig 
Type sig
Functional   burden Functional burden through the work assigned to it 27. 237 3 . 652 30 2. 324 0.000 sig
Functional burden through the work environment 25. 335 3. 752 27 2.384 0.000 sig
Play career through social requirements 32.276 3.524 36 2.752 0.000 sig
Functional burden through dealing with students 23.136 3.764 24 2.238 0.001 sig
Functional burden through functional relationships 28. 33 8 3. 754 27 2. 383 0.000 sig
career quality of life The luxury of teaching work 27.235 3.651 30 2.325 0.000 sig
Alignment of teaching and family life 25. 33 7 3. 75 5 27 2. 38 5 0.000 sig
Satisfaction with the method of administrative performance of the college 23. 138 3. 765 24 2. 239 0.000 sig
Professional development 2 7 . 235 3. 652 30 2. 326 0.000 sig
Material and moral stimulation 2 3 .137 3. 766 24 2. 239 0.000 sig
Significant at the level of significance < 0.05

It appears from table 12 of the results of the sample on the two scale domains (functional burden and career life quality ) that there are statistically significant differences in favor of the hypothetical mean at the level of significance (0.05), as the value of the hypothetical mean is greater than the arithmetic mean, and this is due to the fact that the working hours during working hours The official working hours are not sufficient to complete the work tasks assigned to them, due to the large number of requirements for teachers, electronic classes, and continuous follow-up of duties and tasks, in addition to preparing and preparing lectures in conceptual ways that match the type of programs used for the current study and the extent to which students absorb them. As sees "that the lack of time and the large number of working hours result in psychological and physical pressures that cause exhaustion and fatigue, which affects their functional performance in the passage of time (Atwi Saad El-Din 2010).

As for the work environment, despite the mobilization of efforts to provide services and facilities to female teachers and to help them with material resources to complete their practical and theoretical lessons, we notice a weakness in the sustainability of buildings, equipment and tools used in accordance with international standards of comprehensive quality, in addition to the weakness of health services and safety and security measures, especially in Practical lessons, which is a functional burden that affects the work of female teachers with high efficiency. Recalling that "work pressures and the resulting burdens refer to the conditions in the work environment that surround the individual, causing him a state of tension and distress that results in reactions that affect his performance with high professionalism, because the pressures appear when the requirements in the work environment are greater From the possibility of avoiding it or at a higher level of its ability to solve it" (Tannous, 2019). In terms of incentives and rewards, their disbursement does not take a continuous scope according to pre-planned plans, due to the lack of resources and revenues obtained by the colleges and the weak investment of their facilities in profitable directions, which affects the colleges' commitment to rewards and incentives. Considering (Amal 2012) that the stimulation process is affected by several trends, and this may affect the faculties’ commitment to rewards and incentives on an ongoing basis, in addition to that the additional work and those assigned to it outside official working hours are not compensated with wages, and therefore this is not an incentive to work, but rather a functional burden for not completing it during Official working hours and taking extra time at the expense of family life and rest times (al-Najjar, 2012). " The weakness of material and moral incentives leads to a lack of conviction of individuals in appreciating their exceptional efforts and their feeling of dissatisfaction with the type of dealing with their subordinates (Shrivastava, A. and Purang. 2012). The results of the research also indicate that dealing with students according to health conditions, weak commitment to official attendance, and participation through electronic classes, which are often exposed to technical problems that make it difficult to continue communication with students, led to a lack of interaction, especially with practical lessons, and relying on theoretical presentation without practice and experimentation affected the quality of Education, forcing female teachers to provide designs of educational models and programs that require more time than normal in their manufacture in order to adapt the teaching process to the curricula of physical education and sports sciences, and this is an additional burden at the expense of their time allotted for their rest. As for the functional burden through functional relationships, the challenges of the health situation imposed a lack of direct contact and a lack of presence with colleagues and subordinates, which affects the type of participation and harmony among them, which may weaken the type of participation and interaction continuously and reduce the social affinity among them, and thus the informal relations among them decrease, and this is considered An obstacle that directly affects keeping up, the continuity of career, and the exchange of experiences and opinions. As " see that the relationship between colleagues is important because the individual spends nearly more than seven hours of the day at work, then organizations that have companionship work in harmony and harmony with colleagues. To cooperate in performing the duties of academic work in a distinctive way that achieves the educational goals and desired goals" (Al-Omari, and Randa Al-Baqi, 2017). It was also shown from the results of the research in terms of professional development that there is a weakness according to the answers of the sample, because the courses held electronically are considered a partial developmental aspect for the work of female teachers, especially since the chosen times conflict with their daily lives, because the timings are irregular and may be outside official working hours and at the expense of rest times and family life. Which reduced its real benefit, as well as that the attendance participation is within the official working hours of an academic and functional nature that gives an opportunity to deliberate and discuss the merits of the academic work closely and an opportunity to deliberate on the issues of continuous improvement, which affected the quality of the professional development of their academic work. This was confirmed by " that the development of good performance contributes to revealing the potentials and potentials of the individual that helps in his development and success in his work and overcoming the shortcomings in professional competence and working on continuous training and controlling the continuity of work accurately and elaborately. (Saleh Al-Naim, 2011).

Presentation and analyze the results of the correlation between the two measures (functional burden and career life quality)

The researchers present the results of the correlation of the sample's answers to the two measures (functional burden and career life quality) through the obtained values and statistical results, as in table (Table 13).

Table 13:Shows the results of the correlation between the two measures (functional burden and career life quality).

Functional burden Career life quality
Level sig 
Functional burden   0.564 0.000 sig
career quality of life 0.564   0.000
• Significant at the level of significance < 0.05

Table 13 of the results of the targeted sample shows that there is a statistically significant correlation between (functional burden) and (quality of normal life), and this is due to the fact that the functional burdens that female teachers of the faculties of physical education and sports sciences are exposed to have an impact on their performance under the conditions of a pandemic. Corona, because this performance is a set of procedures, actions, and behaviors that are not complete except through the availability of supplies that support this performance in order for it to be considered complete to some extent. The determination to work in accordance with quality and excellence and to achieve effective performance. The important role played by female teachers in these colleges is a major axis of continuous improvement for the development of academic education in the theoretical and practical aspects of sports. This is what was mentioned by (Al-Tahaina, and Hatamleh, 2011) quoting from (Youssef 2004) that work is the only way to the welfare and comfort of societies, so the pressures that an individual is exposed to in his functional are not limited to him alone, but include the institution in which he works and then extends to society and the family To cover its effects on his life outside the scope of work, which affects his social and family relationships (Ziyad and Mahmoud: 2011: 245). Therefore, (Ziyad and Mahmoud 2011), quoting from (Felleh and Abdel Majeed 2005) described the burdens as a state of dysfunction in the institution in which the individual works, which leads to a decrease in their level of satisfaction with the institution, which weakens their performance and reduces their level of motivation, which leads to a lack of functional production. (Ziyad and Mahmoud: 2011: 246). Therefore, the impact of this relationship on the possibility of the availability of all administrative programs related to the process of improvement and continuous development of various aspects of academic work and the fulfillment of the requirements of female teachers in particular with their needs and desires in an optimal manner because the conducive circumstances may necessitate the senior management of the faculties of physical education and sports sciences to adhere to the controls, instructions and preventive measures imposed by The state’s policy regarding the nature of working hours, the type of education followed, and the difficulty of direct communication in order to control the Corona pandemic, has affected the type of training, rewards, or the nature of environmental dealings, in addition to the large number of duties outside official working hours and preparations for the conduct of work in light of the current circumstance. This contradicts the vision of (Abu Qurwa, 2019). That the quality of working life is not complete without several specifications and procedures based on a set of efforts made by senior management to improve the work environment by focusing on the quality of this environment, and striving to reach a high level of satisfaction, comfort and safety, which reflects better performance and productivity, which makes it competitive . This was confirmed by (Hajar and Qureshi 2019). The quality of working life grows from providing and creating conditions and an appropriate work environment that support and enhance functional satisfaction, by providing rewards, functional security, imposing growth, allowing workers to participate in decision-making, promoting cooperation, achieving justice in wage systems, as well as a safe work environment, which It leads to satisfying all workers' needs and desires, in a way that achieves positive reactions represented by their endeavor to increase production (Hagar and Quraish: 2019: 19-20).

Conclusions and Recommendations


• The task of teaching in the faculties of physical education and sports sciences is of a special, practical and theoretical nature, punctuated by a number of difficulties in performing duties easily.

• Functional burdens are often considered the main factor in influencing actual functional performance.

• Increasing interest in social relations between college teachers and strengthening human relations helps create a cooperative organizational climate that achieves the college's goals.

• The presence of a functional burden on female teachers due to the circumstances of the Corona pandemic.

• The low level of the quality of the career life offered to them.

• The lack of observance of safety and security places on the shoulders of female teachers a great responsibility to preserve the students and themselves at the same time.

• The existence of a concrete case of social conditions affected by lack of time for family requirements and their professional satisfaction.

• The correlation between functional burden and the career life quality is a defining point in the quality of the professional performance of female teachers in general.


• Work on developing capabilities towards electronic work through educational courses and seminars that achieve a degree of coping with emergency conditions.

• Attention to their well-being and the relentless pursuit of academic departments in providing the best services and compensating them for working hours outside official working hours with incentives and additional wages.

• Senior management should take into account the trends and desires of female teachers on an ongoing basis due to the large number of burdens and duties entrusted to them and taking into account their family circumstances.

• Establishing a solid mechanism that helps in overcoming functional burdens while at the same time achieving the career life quality as a form of support and consolidation of the work of female teachers and helping them to resist challenges.

• Enhancing their role with professional decisions and meeting their personal requirements, needs and desires without affecting the course of academic work.

• The need to provide means of safety and security when performing their duties, since the requirements of sports work impose this.

• Developing similar studies for teachers of the faculties of physical education and sports sciences to know their situation during the Corona pandemic.

• Develop comparative studies to identify the differences between male and female teachers in the performance of their academic duties.

Appendix 1: Functional burden measure

No. Paragraphs Always often Sometimes Rarely Never
1 I have several functional tasks that need to be completed at the same time          
2 The presence of meetings during official working hours affects the completion of my work on time          
3 I am bored with monotony and functional routine due to repetitive study subjects          
4 I am assigned to work outside the official working hours          
5 My expertise in a major conflicts with my assignment to teach other mathematical subjects          
6 I want to be assigned great responsibilities that fulfill my academic ambitions          
7 The college approves the additional assignment within the annual evaluation process          
8 The college adopts students' opinions as an important part in evaluating my teaching performance          
9 I feel embarrassed by my commitment to the instructions and assigned tasks and their contradiction with the requirements and personal desires of some of the teachers          
10 The college adopts planning and decision-making without referring to the opinions of the faculty members in order to conduct its work          

First field // Functional burden through the tasks entrusted to it: the tasks and duties entrusted to the teacher, which require efforts,high capabilities, and effective skills to complete the work.

No. Paragraphs Always often Sometimes Rarely Never
1 The regulations followed in college make me less able to do my work          
2 Poor administrative coordination affects the management of my functional requirements          
3 The large number of students does not match the current health situation          
4 Difficulty in providing rooms for teachers with good and appropriate specifications          
5 My superiors help me overcome my unintentional mistakes          
6 I get anxious and frustrated when I am criticized by my bosses          
7 Poor ability of the college to provide adequate health facilities that conform to health specifications          
8 Lack of availability of the college supplies required to facilitate the teaching process          
9 I am affected by some colleagues' abuse of professional ethics by behavior that is far from university values          

Second field // the functional burden through the work environment: The interaction of the teacher with the environment and all internal and external procedures and factors and changes to manage academic work and its material, moral and technological requirements and their compatibility with the current health situation.

No. Paragraphs Always often Sometimes Rarely Never
1 My salary is low in relation to the requirements of the current economic situation          
2 Weak incentives and lecture fees reduce my support for my social requirements          
3 My lack of social participation to communicate with my colleagues outside official working hours due to the lack of available time and work duties          
4 I am exposed to health disorders due to the constant workload          
5 Lack of sleep due to the many duties and obligations of my functional          
6 Exhaustion and fatigue prevent me from continuous communication with my family          
7 The weekend is not enough to do my family business          
8 My goals feel blurred by the momentum of life under the current health conditions          
9 Poor social relationships with others in anticipation of the current health situation          
10 My problems at work are reflected in my relationship with my family          
11 I consider my social practice useless with some colleagues who are far from my specialty          
12 I pretend to be comfortable in front of my family so that it is not an obstacle in my dealings with them          

Third field // Career life quality through social requirements: Which is the impact on personal abilities and capabilities, the negative effects on family and functional relationships, lack of cohesion, low desire to deal with problems and face them, as well as frustration in the conduct of life.

No. Paragraphs Always often Sometimes Rarely Never
1 Study materials do not keep pace with the global modernity of mathematical sciences          
2 Flexibility with students makes me feel weak in front of them          
3 Use force when dealing with students because of their large numbers          
4 I feel great psychological pressure due to the different scientific levels of students          
5 The students' lack of commitment to their homework makes me difficult to get along with          
6 Make great efforts to search for modern scientific methods that I use to deliver the study material to them          
7 The repeated absence of students forces me to repeat the course more than once          
8 The students' side interventions during the lesson prevented me from going too far with presenting the study material and completing it in the allotted time          

Fourth field // Functional burden through dealing with students: These are the stimuli that the teacher is exposed to by dealing with students, keeping up with their desires and educational needs, controlling their thoughts, restraining their negative impulsiveness, and refining and modifying their behavior objectively and using effective methods.

No. Paragraphs Always often Sometimes Rarely Never
1 My relations with my colleagues are weak due to my lack of communication with them during official working hours          
2 I carry out my colleagues' work tasks in case they are absent from official working hours          
3 I cooperate with my colleagues to achieve the goals of the college          
4 I am worried and frustrated about some of my colleagues being dependent on getting their work done          
5 The quarrels between my colleagues put me in a difficult psychological situation          
6 I feel that some of my colleagues prefer their personal interests over the general interests of the College          
7 I am concerned and frustrated about being compared to the science of my distinguished colleagues          
8 Accustoming me to moral commitment gives me the opportunity to harmonize and harmonize with academic work          
9 I consider quarrels and arguments with my colleagues in front of students as an uncivilized way to solve problems.          

Fifth field // Functional burden through functional relationships: It is the interaction between the teaching staff and their formal and informal contacts, which result in work pressures, internal problems in dealing, and the weakness of privacy that they enjoy within the limits of their academic environment.

Appendix 2: Career quality of life measure

No. Paragraphs Always often Sometimes Rarely Never
1 Long working hours make me feel tired and physically stressed          
2 The difficulty of the college's ability to provide a safe and healthy environment on an ongoing basis          
3 Lack of provision of social support by the college for its teachers to attend meetings and events          
4 There is continuous monitoring of the e-learning process          
5 I feel the difficulty of freedom of opinion to express my functional conditions          
6 I feel the lack of functional stability from using the rest hours to supplement my functional duties          
7 The college's lack of interest in giving female teachers the opportunity to rest and participate in recreational activities          
8 The college provides a rest house for female teachers          
9 The college encourages and supports human relations inside and outside the official work          
10 The college provides a private car park for female teachers          

first field // well-being in teaching work: It is a group of positive feelings and feelings and self-satisfaction that make female teachers more comfortable and happy, and the ability to produce, face difficulties and overcome obstacles in the course of their lives. Their academic work is going well to achieve their desired goals.

No. Paragraphs Always often Sometimes Rarely Never
1 My work affects my rest times after working hours          
2 Lack of family visits due to my preoccupation with e-learning          
3 The college takes into account the culture of respect and family commitment for female teachers          
4 The official working hours are flexible according to personal circumstances          
5 I am able to juggle a functional with my family commitments          
6 The college seeks to solve functional problems before the end of the official working hours in order to avoid their impact on family life          
7 The college takes into account the circumstances of female teachers due to their family responsibilities          
8 My commute to work and my return is an obstacle to my family commitment          
9 I feel that there is not enough time after working hours to do my family business          

Second field // Harmonization of teaching and family life: The process of overlapping the course of teaching and the nature of interaction to achieve its functional requirements during working hours and family life, and the consolidation of boundaries between them so that work times do not leak at the expense of family life and control over fluctuations in working conditions to achieve the desired balance and continuity of practical and family life.

No. Paragraphs Always often Sometimes Rarely Never
1 The plan and goals of the college are announced to all its members, taking into account the current health conditions          
2 The college is interested in following the means of prevention and health safety during the Corona pandemic          
3 The College follows a policy of participation in decision-making          
4 The college employs female teachers in important administrative positions          
5 The college provides requirements and conditions for safety and security from the dangers of practical lessons          
6 Scientific groups take into account the teaching hours required according to the current health conditions          
7 The college follows health and social insurance for all teachers          
8 The college takes into account the conditions of female teachers with regard to dealing with their peers          

Third field // Satisfaction with the method of administrative performance of the college: It is the process of satisfying the needs of the teaching staff related to academic work and the circumstances surrounding it and the administrative practices used to achieve the level of success of the college by investing efforts and collective participation to improve performance and achieve its well-being and meet its functional needs and requirements.

No. Paragraphs Always often Sometimes Rarely Never
1 The College provides the opportunity for continuous professional development          
2 The college takes into account the appropriate evaluation method for its teaching in light of the Corona pandemic          
3 The college adopts systematic training programs despite the circumstances of the Corona pandemic          
4 The college supports female teachers to participate in training abroad          
5 The college adopts modern standards for evaluating university performance          
6 I consider my participation in the courses and developmental workshops outside the official working hours as an obstacle to my family responsibilities          
7 Training programs meet the aspiration of female teachers to increase their professional experience          
8 The College supports proposals and ongoing studies to stimulate the development of aspects of career life          
9 Courses are an important aspect in developing my decisions and ways to implement them          
10 I have sufficient experience in developing methodological plans to develop the reality of teaching work          

Fourth field // Professional development: It is a dynamic and continuous institutional process to develop educational capabilities and skills, classroom management and work behaviors to improve the performance efficiency of teachers and meet their professional needs and educational capabilities according to various methods that are compatible with the requirements of academic work under the current circumstances.

No. Paragraphs Always often Sometimes Rarely Never
1 The college rewards female teachers financially in the light of administrative work          
2 The college rewards female teachers financially in the light of scientific work          
3 The college supports distinguished female teachers morally with letters of thanks and certificates of appreciation          
4 I feel that my financial conditions are preventing me from covering my family needs          
5 I consider my salary delay as a hindrance to my family situation          
6 The difficulty of the college providing financial grants to motivate female teachers towards work          
7 I prefer the material honor from the college over the moral honor          
8 The level of rewards does not match the value of the work provided by female teachers          

Fifth field // Material and moral stimulation: These are successful administrative practices to gain the teacher towards effective performance by providing factors and stimuli that generate internal forces that push him to improve his behavior and actions to achieve better performance, provided that this is characterized by continuity and renewal to raise functional efficiency and its reflection on the success of the college.


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