Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology

Research Article - (2024) Volume 19, Issue 2


Dr. Rasmieh Al Shogran*, Dr. Raneem Farouk Suleiman Al-Duwairi and Dr. Muhammad Zaid Obaidat
*Correspondence: Dr. Rasmieh Al Shogran, Associate Professor at Jadara University, Jordan, Email:
Associate Professor at Jadara University, Jordan

Received: 10-Mar-2024 Published: 24-Mar-2024


This study aimed to identify The role of the media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in universities Jordanian, The study sample was formed from(437) students from the faculties of information inYarmouk University and Middle East University Zarqa University and Jadara University For the academic year 2022/2023, and to achieve the aim of the study, the researcher applied the study tool related to the role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction, and the indications of its validity and reliability were verified. The results of the study showed that the role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in universities Jordanian it was average, as well showed Results: There are statistically significant differences for the role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities, according to the gender variable in favor of males and the absence of statistically significant differences for the role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities, according to the university variable.


Islamic media. Electronic addiction. Collage students media


The rapid and massive development in the media and the accompanying technological development and revolutions in the world of information and communication And the shift in the media such as newspapers and television to Technological means other like the internet mobile phone, made median its various forms most important Means of knowledge, and plays an important and prominent role in influencing the individuals communities, due to spread the digital knowledge culture.

valley Access to Internet on Demain wide and more availability hardware e to enlightenment the society Global from during group miscellaneous from Applications benefits, With what in that entertainment and games and browse web and contact mail apps Media Social and message instant and flow Content and resources educational(Elbilgahy et al, 2021)., and witnessed structure substratum Internet developments big, Than led to more Use Internet between the people from Different categories age (Dhir, et al., 2015; Mahapatra, 2019).

And she was there some Effects negative associated up Use Internet For some Individuals, which is known as electronic addiction, and he sun This is amazing Results negative to use excessive for the internet between users (Dhir et al., 2015,).And it defines Electronic addiction that it the use capacitor And change disciplined for the internet and hardware e Same connection, which may be continue for hours many during activities that no Related work (Gift, 2021; Kaur, 2018).

The university education stage is a stage between adolescence and adulthood, as young people live a period in which they need to communicate with others However, the large increase in non-targeted uses of the Internet is the result of addiction to these uses, especially with regard to social networking sites. Or the games (Biegun, et al., 2021; Dalvi-Esfahani, et al. 2021).

Hence the importance of the role of the media in general and the media Islamic Particularly in raising awareness of the dangers of electronic addiction to children who are now finding free time that has not been invested in a positive manner. Sons and explain the dangers of this addiction on the individual and family and society (Al-Qadi, 2020). Whererests upon means The media is the delivery of an intellectual message with content intellectual goals Jackson, Thorsen, & Reardon, 2020).And Emphasis on importance Islamic mediain the field of awareness risk phenomena undesirable behavior (Jabar, & Chyad, 2021).

Electronic addiction

Canany A person today is to be in touch with all the world and get the information he wants and can also Building relationships, friendships and other positive aspects of technological uses are there also A negative side in the uses of the Internet or electronic use is called addictive Electronic communication, which causes many problems such as isolation, psychological alienation, low communication skills and other problems (Al-Zaidi, 2015).

That Internet uses from before societies today had become an order It is indispensable for what it provides satisfy When wants and needs Persons, Though Effects Negativity that threatens security and stability in communities, and excessive in use led to The emergence of what is known addictive electronic, Than an researchers to study this phenomenon that threatens the security and stability of societies (Boufera & Elmagroud, 2019) And that addiction electronic had become A disease that has ways and methods A variety of treatment based on Basis medical and another Ron Basis re Regulating the environment for the individual and behavioral therapy focused on relationships Social ,In this regard, it is necessary to emphasize the role of positive factors other In the treatment process as a factor of culture, religion and social valuesand ethical which must be adhered to in order for the individual to avoid risks addiction electronic (Amen, 2010).

There Two types from Electronic addiction, With what in that general private, Indicates Electronic addiction generalized to pattern behavioral Multi Dimensions general to excessive in Use the phone Smart or the internet associated with problems other, With what in that weakness performance family, and problems interactive, and decrease the satisfaction on life, and weakness luxury sentimentality, and deterioration the performance Academic (Chen et al. 2020; Saraiva, et al., 2018)He points out Electronic addiction specified or private to excessive in Use the phone Smart or Internet that concentrate on Type specific from activity as arguments Social or the games or gambling, which share in Advantages similar with Electronic addiction generalized (Myzera et al. 2019; Kaur et al. 2020,), is associated also with the results health bad And problems talking via Internet and jealousy that cause it means communication social(2021 Tandon et al. Kaur et al. 2020).

And provide phones smart many from means Comforts, But He should on users that be on Knowledgeable antiquities negativity, which the most excitement to worry he addiction phones smart(SA), Which phenomenon There is In which Use excessive no may be the control on him, than may Faces individuals infected with it problems social And psychological and healthy (Cha & Seo, 2018).And he has be there also problems behaviorism other, like addiction gambling games (Kuss, Kristensen, & Lopez-Fernandez, 2021), lists Release Fifth from Guide Diagnostic and statistician for disturbances mental(DSM-5)games Internet on that it disturbance specific (American Psychiatric Association, 2013)

Prepare the students from more Users Applications default and net Works Social production, but it is possible that He is to use Internet antiquities positive and negative on matters Academy social and health for this category as low the performance Academic And lack the time that spend it in the study from Results negative for Electronic addiction (Elbilgahy et al., 2021), and that the students Whose they use networks Social And the Internet in a lot from often in a way more from average They tend to achievement scholastic the weak and levels the focus low in the chapter Study (Moegel, 2011), showed study conducted on the students Qataris on Face selection rates cumulative less for whom They have electronic addiction (Al-Yafi, El-Masri, & Tsai, 2018).

And there are many the reasons leading addiction email at individuals Among the most prominent of these the reasons Poor dealing with the pressures of daily life and facing problems, and the presence of times big void , And weakness Accommodation Social relationships, lack of at Mo Shere And there are many symptoms addictive electronic And the most important one Spending long hours on the Internet in consistently performance daily tasks, complete immersion in the Internet,and sensation powerlessness when reducing the number of hours of Internet use,and sensation Anxiety and depression when You stop using it (Hussein, 2019).

characterize Addicts Internet (Addiction mail) changes the mood being busy, with non Ability on limit from the time that spend it Use Internet and electronics associated with it(Zhang et al., 2014).And found relationship study between Electronic addiction and Sleep And that there are effects negative Extremely in cases that fail In which teens and youth infected pal addiction mail in engaged in cleanliness sleep good(Alimoradi et al., 2019).

And causes Electronic addiction and hardware e difficulty when attempt control in behaviors excessive related Access to Internet, Than Lead after that to distress or Weakness (tahir, et al.2021). Found studies other evidence on that Electronic addiction and hardware e He increases from risks many from consequences Social and health negativity, With what in that the performance Academic the weak and effects harmful for the character And anxiety and depression (Ting, Chien, Dhir, & Chen, 2019).

It leads to electronic addiction to problems big and became this problem for several from Users The Internet as it changes the mood being busy, with non Ability on limit from the time that spend it in Use Internet and electronics associated with it (Fernandes, et al. 2021; Zhang et al. 2014; Juthamanee, & Gunawan, 2021).

As may be impact on fields other from life, as performance Academic and relationships family and employment (Arpaci, et al. 2020; Juthamanee, & Gunawan, 2021). showed Researches modern that number increasing from Users Internet in all around the world they face I.A, with Appearance of problems NB between students universities(Dehghankar et al. 2019; Coury, et al. 2020).as shown results study investigative that around25%from students universities They have addiction Moderate or Intense on Internet (Ganji, & Tavakoli, 2018) especially between students universities (Knox, Daniels, Sturdivant, & Zusman, 2001; Babaei, et al. 2021)). He points out number growing from studies that conducted in this the field to that disturbance. he disturbance myself and social (Amiri, SEPEHRIAN, & NASERI, 2015; Abdolpour, Shalchi, Hamzezadeh, & Salehi, 2019).

And promise Use phones smart before Sleep directly factor Whatever in Deprivation from sleep I have teenage girls, therefore the the use excessive for phones smart for him antiquities negative on the health physical And wellness because of weakness Quality sleep and duration (Zhang, & Zhang, 2021). Is associated Electronic addictionrate higher from Insomnia(It arrives to3%) and disturbances sleep between individuals Whose they consider from Users Internet heavily.increase possibility problems sleep also between the students Whose they use Internet on Domain wide to check from networks Social And spend time long in to watch tv(Yang et al., 2019; Chen & Gau, 2016).

Means media Islamic

The media has played an important and prominent role in raising awareness in all fields, requiring those in charge of the media to respond to the demands and interests of viewers and followers (Pennycook, McPhetres, Zhang, & Rand, 2020), And The media has become playing a fundamental role in arousing public interest in the issues and problems raised, as the media is a major source that the public resorts to in obtaining its information. (Hillis & Mahdi,2010), And The media are tools for communicating matter in all its forms, and the media has gone through different stages of development at the same stages of media development as a process and a human idea, from primitive, through all its stages, until it reached modernity. It is one of the most important modern media Press, radio, and TV, And Internet (Khidr, 2015).

In addition to differences Media about the means traditional, which She was in the previous mechanism Main to get on the information around Context and understand it, added to that networks Social Led to changes a task in Habits consumption the information, to become from Sources Main that Gets from through it individuals on news (Scarpa, & Garoufallou, 2021) (Bridgeman et al. 2020); (Moscadelli et al.; Pulido et al., 2020, Xaudiera, & Cardinal, 2020). As a result of the massive scientific technological revolution, educational methods and sources of know ledge have diversified and multiplied. What own it from techniques Modern and capable wide on Spread There have been many theories that talk about the relationship between Education and the media (Al-Khalidi, 2015).

The importance of having Islamic media with appropriate content emerged to meet the demands of recipients and viewers, dealing with multiple Islamic issues, transmitting knowledge to individuals in societies, and affecting their thinking and behavior. Basher, 2020).The Islamic media has always had its viewers and followers, and this view is increasing more with the passage of time Because of the great and deep connection between the Science of communication, the media, and youth issues, the role of the Islamic media came to help in social interaction, transferring knowledge and awareness in various fields, and providing them with the latest information about what is happening around them (Basher, 2020; Miladi, Karim, & Athambawa, 2017).

And The Islamic media is based on the book and the purified Sunnah, and the communication and media practices that took place during the era of the Prophethood and the Rightly Guided Caliphate in particular and the subsequent Islamic eras in general. Universal humanity (Janabi, 2016).And the basics of Islamic media are not drawn by the jurisprudence of a mujtahid, what ever his status, and they are not subject in any age to the desire of a ruler or the mood of a sultan, or change with the change of conditions and the different circumstances (Salem, 2016).

And he knows media Islamic It is the use of an Islamic approach in an artistic and informative manner, performed by learned Muslims, working in their religion, understanding the nature of media And his means Modern and its disparate masses, they use these sophisticated means to spread thought civilized and news The values, principles and ideals of Muslims and non-Muslims at all times and places in a completely objective framework with the aim of guidance and awareness and extensión to bring about the influence Required (Al-Barr, 2010).

And the media Islamic Prompt notification, works on Preparation Islamic public opinion is aware of religious realities, comprehends them, and is influenced by them in all aspects his actions. And it's getting more important media Islamic Contemporary at home and abroad when it plays a role in addressing intellectual distortion campaigns, and takes upon itself the task of introducing the conditions of Muslims and their morals To reunite them and close their ranks, and his endeavor to find quick solutions to advance the deteriorating reality of Muslims. and defense issues Nation Islamicall (Al-Janabi, 2016).

It is the responsibility of the means Media is the delivery of an intellectual message with different contents And multiple objectives, and aims to address individuals through various means of communication, In addition to Socializing students Jackson, Thorsen, & Reardon, 2020).The media have a clear role in shaping awareness among the audience, as they have an important and prominent role in conveying important information, interpreting and analyzing events, and providing advice and advice to societies, in addition to their important influence in shaping Trends. The importance of the media in general lies in establishing facts and broadcasting The spirit of tranquility among individuals (Mustafa, 2020; Salam, 2019).

And considered as Messages coverage Informative health related Cheers in means media source Whatever And her impact marked on the society Contemporary And may be that He is content Media this impact on all from the behavior singles and ideas around policies the public on the level collective (Gever, & Ezeah, 2020).

And Emphasis on importance Islamic media in the field of awareness; Because it is a media outlet concerned primarily with the production and distribution of knowledge, because of its great impact on the behavior of the public and on supporting the process of changing behaviors within society. The media, especially talk shows, play a vital role in dealing with behavioral problems (Jabar, & Chyad, 2021).

Islamic media helps that he is Individuals the society on Knowledgeable informative facts, that affects his behavior, And their feeling with responsibility Social towards themselves and others (Metwally et al., 2021), as The knew that Instrument to keep on continuity active for roles Social to the human being With what guarantee safety physical and mental and psychological (Wylie et al., 2020), and more capacity the individual on translation the information health to manners healthy in Situations life that maybe from through it preservation on his health in border means available (Metwally et al., 2021).

And have Contributed median a form big in changing patterns interaction inside communities, and excitement many from overlaps and problems and re Energizing mechanisms Connection with all types, to be used as a means To raise awareness and educate and re showing the information where It was completed Use media as a weapon The double edged Strengthening Awareness to benefits the recipient B Awareness And make it Understand the consequences of electronic addiction (Ghounane, 2021)

Recently, the number of Islamic media outlets has increased, which contributed to spreading knowledge about various community issues and forming a link between citizens and the state or government. Moll, 2020). It highlights the role of Islamic media channels in working to high light the facts of the Islamic religion with wisdom, defending the Islamic religion, responding to suspicions in light of electronic addiction, and perpetuating the principles that the Islamic religion calls for (Miladi, Karim, & Athambawa, 2017). Responding to inquiries and questions of individuals about religious issues, and combating innovations, superstitions, ignorance and traditions that contradict the teachings of the Islamic religion. Pay Young To the Islamic media is Feeling with responsibility social they are they do that not just for themselves, But with regards to others, either He was It's in captivity or communities (Biberman, Gul, & Ocakli, 2016). Just as one of the objectives of the Islamic media is to pay attention to the scientific and health aspects and to provide individuals with appropriate awareness of what people are exposed to, so it is the duty of the Islamic media to adopt various issues of concern to society and to fight destructive currents and extremist conflicts (Hijazi, 2020).

There are a number of theories that can be relied upon in dealing with this topic, and perhaps one of the most important theories that must be taken into account is the uses and gratifications theory.Uses and Gratification TheoryIt is one of the theories of indirect influence that focuses on the public’s uses of various means of communication and the extent of its dependence on these means, as this theory focuses on the interactive relationship between the means of communication on the one hand and society on the other hand (Abuke, & Omar, 2021).

The theory aims to achieve three main goals by Knowing how individuals and viewers use the means of communication assuming that they are viewers and an active and aware audience that can choose the means that it deems appropriate to satisfy its needs and motives, and Knowing the motives to be satisfied when exposed to this means, and obtaining results that help in understanding the communication process (Abuke, & Omar, 2020). Accordingly, the theory of use and satisfaction means the social and behavioral origins and needs that generate expectations from the media that lead to different types of exposure to the media, and result in satisfaction of needs or other results that are often unintended (Chhibber, 2020).

And seek theory uses and gratifications to investigation Goals three recognize on How Use individuals means media, And that by looking to the public active that Uses The means that saturate his needs And his goals, and the goal the second clarification motives Instrument particular from means media, and interaction with a result This use, the goal The third it is the focus on that to understand practical Connection mass Come a result to use means of communication mass(Mejía-Trejo, 2021).and on that This is the theory based members The audience Does in practical Connection, and use them means media investigate They have goals Intentional meet their expectations, and linkage between the desire in satisfy needs certain, and choose Instrument Flags specific Due to the same audience, And you specify it differences Individuality, emphasis on that The audience he that He chooses means And the content that radiates his needs, The individuals they are who they use means Connection And it's not means she that used audience, and be The audience on science interest that Return on him, And with his motives interests, He is Can that Provides researchers with a picture actual to use it means media ((Bae, Sung, & Kwon, 2021).

Previous studies

Conducted Al-Quraan (2021) A study aimed at identifying the extent of secondary school teachers’ awareness of the dangers of digital and technological addiction to their students in the city of Zarqa, where the study sample consisted of (51) students. The results showed that there were no statistical differences between the opinions of the study sample as a whole about the extent of awareness of the dangers of digital and technological addiction.

Conducted Hadi and Rasheed (2021) A study aimed at identifying the effect of electronic addiction and its negative repercussions on the behavior of students who use smart devices in the city of Baghdad. They indicated to Excessive use of the Internetand its effectnegative on the person, and 56% live in boredom and cannot do without the Internet and social networking sites.

(Elbilgahy, et al.2021) investigated This is amazing the study Bezel Spread addiction Internet and hardware e between students nursing Egyptian And the Saudis, And that with a goal to set any effects on Sleep and performance Academic. It was completed Use design research Comparative syllabic between a sample random methodology made up from920student nursing Egyptian And Saudi Arabia. Complete all Participants a test addiction Young on Internet (IAT), and questionnaire sharing the phone mobile (MPIQ), and scale Epworth to sleepy (ESS), It was completed Discovery addiction Internet severe (IA) in42.69%And10.31%from Participants The Saudis And the Egyptian on respectively. And he got engaged I.A in a form private by performance Academic the weak. And she was grades MPIQ linked in versely by performance Academic for the participants The Saudis.

And he performed( Dalvi-Esfahani, et al. 2021) study with a purpose to examine effects interest sympathetic And he took perspective on addiction means communication social It was completed analysis data that It was completed collected from during questionnaire printed distributor on592from students schools high school Whose range their age between15And18years (42.1%males)using Curriculum modeling partial for the equation structural for square Minor (PLS-SEM).I showed Results that both from for interesting sympathetic And he took perspective They prophesy in a form big And negative b addiction means communication social, revealed analysis additional that it on though from non Existence differences between Genders , unless that behaviors associated With addiction means communication social were more common between students schools High income on Reverse schools low income.

And study of (Kaya, & Dalgiç, 2021) investigate antiquities addiction Internet on patterns life teens in a sample in region the sea the White average in Türkiye, composed the sample from 367 young. It was completed plural data using model the information Personal, and scale addiction on Internet, and scale Behaviors health for style life the second between January and june2018.It was completed finding on middle degree addiction Internet between teens covered mild. He was I have males Whose range their age between17years with their parents The divorced and teens Whose They have Relations weak with Individuals family friends grades higher in middle addiction Internet and that addiction Internet he prediction negative and mild for style life teenager.

conducted a study (Dehghankar, et al, 2019) with a goal Investigation in Spread addiction Internet and his relationship With intelligence emotional between students university Caspian for science medical. Conducted the study sectional current on325student medicine they were they study in university Caspian for science medical, It was completed Use three tools existing reference for properties demographic, a test addiction Internet, and the measure of intelligence Emotional, showed Results that Spread levels Medium And severe from addiction Internet It was completed reporting about him in the rate of12%And0.3%on respectively.Bonus on that, He was31.4%from the students users Ordinary And56.3%They have addiction light for the internet, showed results This is amazing the study relationship reverse And the same indication Statistic between Two addictions Internet And intelligence emotional between students Medicine.

and performed (Boufera, & Elmagroud, 2019) study aiming to set level addiction Internet between schools high school. And find out what if She was there spreads in level addiction Internet I have the students according a variable sex. Living and level educational: formed the sample from (109)a student and freshman Uses Researcher Scale addiction Internet. I showed results This is amazing the study Existence level middle from addiction Internet between students stage high school, as I showed non Existence spreads between males and female in addiction Internet and major.

And he performed (Choudhury, et al2019) Study to find out sharing the phone mobile and accreditation on him between students Medicine undergraduates in college Medicine in nod college Medicine in India between252a student Collegiately in Medicine It was completed get on participation and accreditation from during poll sharing the phone mobile (MPIQ) and questionnaire Accreditation on the phone mobile (MPDQ), on respectively. Partner around14.9%from the students in a form big in Use their phones portable. He was middle degree MPIQ higher between males.

Al-Qahtani (2019) conducted a study aimed at revealing the relationship between electronic addiction and locus of control among preparatory year female students at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University. The study sample consisted of (280) female students, and the results of the study showed that the degree of electronic addiction among preparatory year female students at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University was high, and that the level of control point (internal-external) among female students was high, and there was no significant relationship between electronic addiction and the point of settings. There are statistically significant differences in the responses of the study sample about electronic addiction according to the academic track variable.

Bouyaa (2017) conducted a study aimed at identifying Internet addiction and its relationship to the emergence of disorders among a sample of university youth in the city of M'sila, where the study sample consisted of (100) students from Mohamed Boudiaf University. The emergence of sleep disorders in the study sample, and that the degree of addiction to the Internet was weak among the study sample, and the presence of statistically significant differences in the degree of electronic addiction due to the sex variable in the study sample in favor of males, and the presence of statistically significant differences in the emergence of sleep disorders due to the job variable (factor, non-working) among the study sample in favor of workers.

(Ajri Khadra and Fatima (2015). A study aimed at identifying the effect of electronic addiction on the university student among a sample of media and communication students at the University of Kasdi Merbah in Algeria. The study sample consisted of (150) students. Communicating and getting to know new friends, which made it affect their academic achievement and their social relations to the point of isolation, introversion and alienation, and this is what threatens them to reach the stage of addiction, as well as the injury of physical problems because of sitting for long periods in front of the computer screen.

Al-Zaidi (2015) conducted a study aimed at identifying the relationship between electronic addiction and both social communication and academic achievement among the students of the University of Nizwa. The study sample consisted of (412) male and female students from the University of Nizwa in the Sultanate of Oman, and the results of the study showed that there were no statistically significant differences. Between the arithmetic means of the electronic addiction scale due to the gender variable and the educational level variable, and the results showed that there is a statistically significant inverse relationship between electronic addiction and social communication, and there is a weak statistically significant relationship between electronic addiction and academic achievement.

The study Problem And it questions

The problem of the study lies in the fact that the university stage is a stage in which students still adquiere more basic experience and discover and recognize their identify and personality, and that the nature of electronic uses helps them to do so. And the presence of a large void among the learners, whether on or outside the university campus, gives them a great opportunity to use websites, also as a result of the realistic researcher’s observation of the university community. Islamic media.

The study problem is crystallized in answering the following questions:

• What is the level of the role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities?

• Are there statistically significant differences at the level of (α≤0.05) in the role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities due to the variable of gender?

• Are there statistically significant differences at the level of (α≤0.05) in the role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities due to the university variable?

The importance of studying

This study has a practical importance represented in drawing the attention and interest of those responsible for the Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction among students of the Faculty of Information in Jordanian universities, by identifying the needs of university students in awareness and counseling about electronic addiction, and the needs that they wish to satisfy through Their follow-up to the Islamic media.

As for the theoretical importance of this study, it is represented in the lack of studies - according to the limits of the researcher's knowledge - that discussed the role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction among students of the Faculty of Information in Jordanian universities. The researcher hopes that this study will enrich the Arab and international library with a recent study on this subject. And that this study be a starting point for new studies of this topic, which is related to the role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction among students of media faculties in Jordanian universities, and it also gains its importance from the target group, which is the category of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities, which is a category located between Adolescence and adulthood, where self-identity and personal identity are formed.

Objectives of the study

The current study aims to:

• Identifying the level of the role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities.

• Identifying the differences in the role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities according to the gender variable.

• Identifying the differences in the role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities, according to the university variable.

Definitions procedural

The current study includes the following procedural definitions

• Islamic media: a group of media that adheres from the beginning of its broadcast to its end with the principles and values of Islam and is the most widespread and viewed in Jordan.

• Electronic addiction: It is the degree obtained by the respondent on the electronic addiction scale that was used in this study.

• Students of the Faculties of Mass Communication: They are students who are studying in one of the majors of the Faculty of Mass Communication at Yarmouk and the Middle East Universities in Jordan and are still studying until now.

Study limits and determinants

Be determined the study current with the following parameters:

• Temporal boundaries: conducted This study is in the first semester of the academic year 2022/2023.

• Spatial limitations: This study was conducted on Yarmouk University and Middle East University in Jordan.

• Human Limitations: This study was conducted on students of the Faculty of Mass Communication enrolled in Yarmouk University and Middle East University in Jordan.

• The generalization of the results of the study is determined by the sound methodological steps for the tool designed and applied to achieve the objectives of the study.

• The results of the study can be generalized to the community from which the study sample was taken and similar societies.

Method and procedures

This part deals with a Presentation of the study methodology, the study population and its sample, and the characteristics of the tools used. It also deals with a Presentation of the procedures for applying the study and the statistical treatment of data.

Study methodology

The researcher used the descriptive method for its suitability to the objectives of the study in the light of the nature of the problem and the characteristics of the study sample.

Study population and sample

The study population consisted of all students of the Faculty of Mass Communication Yarmouk University And blue civil, and University of the Middle East and Jadara, in adult Jordan Their number () for the academic year 2022/2023, The study sample consisted of (437) students They were chosen by the simple random method, and (Table 1) shows that.

Table 1: Distribution of the study population according to the variables of sex and university.

Variable Class The number Percentage
sex male 237 54.2
  feminine 200 45.8
  the total 437 100%
  AlermoK 211 48.3
The university The Middle East 89 20.4
  Zarqa 62 14.2
  Jadara 75 17.2
  the total 437 100%

Study tools

The researcher used a tool for the study, which is the scale of the role of Islamic media in reducing electronic addiction, prepared by the researcher, where the scale consisted of (20) items, and to ensure the validity of the scale was done through virtual honesty by presenting it to (10) arbitrators specialized in media and studies In order to ensure that the items of the scale are honest and measure every thing that was set to be measured, taking into account their opinion on the clarity of the wording of the paragraphs and their consistency with the study sample, and all the notes received from the arbitrators were modified.

To ensure the stability of the tool, the test and retest method was used (Test-retest Where the scale was applied and re-applied after two weeks on a sample from outside the study sample consisting of (30) male and female students, and the Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated between their responses in the two times on the study tool, and the stability coefficient was calculated using the internal consistency method according to the Cronbach alpha coefficient, and the (Table 2) makes it clear.

Table 2:The values of the Cronbach alpha internal consistency coefficient and the repetition stability of the measure of the role of Islamic media in reducing electronic addiction

The tool
Internal consistency Replay stability
The role of Islamic media in reducing electronic addiction 0.89 0.85

Study procedures

The researcher followed the following procedures in the study:

•Examine the theoretical literature and previous studies related to the subject.

• The study tool was built and the indications of its validity and reliability were extracted.

• The study individuals were identified, communicated with, and their consent was obtained, and the two study tools were distributed to them.

• Collecting the study tools, analyzing them and extracting the results.

Statistical methods

Appropriate statistical methods were used, as the statistical program for social sciences (SPSS The data were processed using the following statistical methods:

• Measures of central tendency: such as the arithmetic mean to describe the opinions of the study sample about the variables, and the standard deviation to indicate the extent of the dispersion of the answers from their arithmetic mean.

• Cronbach alpha test (Cronbach - alpha): This is to test the reliability of the data collection tool used in measuring the variables included in the study.

• test applied (T-test) to find out the differences between the variables (gender, type of university) and one-way analysis of variance.


The results related to the first question: What is the level of the role of the Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities?

To answer this question, the mean and standard deviations were extracted The level of the role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities, table (3) explain it.

Schedule (3) means and standard deviations The level of the role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities (Table 3).

Table 3:Means and standard deviations The level of the role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities.

The number Paragraphs SMA Standard deviation Significance level
1 1 The Islamic media hosts experts in the field of technology to talk about electronic addiction 3.8 1.15 high
2 5 The Islamic media presents programs dealing with electronic addiction 3.74 1.05 high
3 12 The Islamic media presents scientific studies that have been conducted on electronic addiction 3.59 1.1 Medium
4 10 There is cooperation and integration between the various Islamic media outlets when talking about electronic addiction 3.57 1.3 Medium
5 2 There is much talk about the phenomenon of electronic addiction in the Islamic media 3.55 1.19 Medium
6 4 Islamic media implements a media strategy capable of reducing electronic addiction and enhancing social communication 3.55 1.24 Medium
7 7 I believe that the Islamic media is playing its educational role about the seriousness of electronic addiction 3.5 1.25 Medium
8 8 Islamic media offers suitable alternatives to reduce the phenomenon of electronic addiction 3.47 1.12 Medium
9 9 There is a sufficient number of Islamic media dealing with the issue of electronic addiction. 3.47 1.15 Medium
10 11 Islamic media put proposed solutions and appropriate alternatives to reduce the phenomenon of electronic addiction 3.37 1.21 Medium
11 6 Islamic media provides the public with information, concepts and facts related to the dangers of electronic addiction to individuals 3.36 1.24 Medium
12 17 The Islamic media is working on harnessing dramas to reduce the phenomenon of electronic addiction 3.35 1.17 Medium
13 13 Islamic media shows stories of individuals about electronic addiction and their suffering. 3.3 1.2 Medium
14 3 The Islamic media directs awareness and education messages about the seriousness of electronic addiction 3.29 1.28 Medium
15 15 There is a continuous display through advertisements or others that encourages the practice of electronic games 3.24 1.3 Medium
16 14 Islamic media leads social initiatives to reduce the phenomenon of electronic addiction 3.23 1.31 Medium
17 18 Islamic media supports cultural and community programs that show the harms of electronic addiction 3.22 1.35 Medium
18 19 The lack of interest of the Islamic media in the comprehensive media treatment of the phenomenon of electronic addiction 3.18 1.32 Medium
19 16 The Islamic media is carrying out field surveys about the harms of electronic addiction 3.17 1.26 Medium
20 20 The Islamic media hosts scholars in Islamic law to talk about the seriousness of electronic addiction 3.12 1.33 Medium
scale as a whole 3.4 0.79 Medium

table shows (3) that the arithmetic averagesThe level of the role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universitiesranged between (3.12-3.80), as well as the arithmetic mean of the level The role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addictionas a whole (3.40) and level middle, and this indicates that The level of the role played by the Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction He was level middle, where it came fromparagraph (The Islamic media hosts experts in the field of Technology to talk about electronic addiction)with the highest My average score was (3.80) level high, while it ranked second paragraph (The Islamic media presents programs dealing with electronic addiction) My average is(3.74) with a level high And she came paragraph (The Islamic media hosts scholars in Islamic law to talk about the seriousness of electronic addiction)ranked last, with an average of (3.12) at an average level.

Results related to the question second Are there statistically significant differences at the level of (α≤0.05) in the role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities due to the variable of gender?

To answer this question was done Extracting arithmetic averages for a level The role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities Depending on the gender variable, and (Table 4) illustrates this.

Table 4: Arithmetic averages for the level The role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities according to the gender variable.

sex The number SMA standard deviation T Significance level
male 237 3.47 0.76 2,078 0.038
feminine 200 3.32 0.81    

Table (4) shows that there are statistically significant differences at the level of (α≤0.05) to The role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities Depending on the sex variable, and based on the value of (T) calculated as it reached (2.078), with a level of significance of (0.038). The differences were in favor of males according to the higher arithmetic mean, which reached (3.47) for males, and (3.32) for females.

results related to the question the third Are there statistically significant differences at the level of (α≤0.05) in the role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities due to the variable University (Yarmouk, Middle East)?

To answer this question was done Extracting arithmetic averages for a level The role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities Depending on the university variable, and (Table 5) illustrates this.

Table 5:The arithmetic means and standard deviations for a level The role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities Depending on the university variable.

The university
The number SMA Standard deviation
Yarmouk 211 3.36 0.76
The Middle East 89 3.36 0.81
Zarqa 62 3.44 0.81
Jadara 75 3.53 0.81

Table shows (4) There were no statistically significant difference sat a level (α≤0.05) to The role of the Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of mass media faculties Yell Jordanian Depending on the university variable. Where the University of Jadara obtained the highest arithmetic mean of (3.53), and Yarmouk University and the Middle East University obtained the lowest arithmetic mean of (3.36). α≤0.05One-way analysis of variance was way ANOVA The results of the analysis of variance are as shown in (Table 6).

Table 6: One-way analysis of variance to find the significance of the differences to level The role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities Depending on the university variable.

Source of contrast
Sum of squares Degrees of freedom Mean of squares Value F Significance level
between groups 1,850 3 0.617 0.999 0.393
within groups 2,67,396 433 0.618
the total 2,69,246 436

Table (6) shows that there are no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α≤0.05) dr The role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities Depending on the university variable, based on the value of ((FIt reached (0.999), with a level of significance (0.393).

Discuss the results and Recommendations

This part discusses the results obtained by linking the results a for data Dr The role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities, using the study tool.

Discuss the results related to the first question: What is the level of the role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities?

The results of this question showed that the arithmetic means for the level of the role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities ranged between (3.12-3.80), and the arithmetic mean for the level of the role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction as a whole (3.40) and at an average level, and this indicates that the level of the role played by the Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction was at an average level, as the paragraph (Islamic media hosts experts in the field of technology to talk about electronic addiction) came with the highest arithmetic mean of (3.80). With a high level, while the second came the paragraph (Islamic media present programs dealing with electronic addiction) with an arithmetic mean of (3.74) at a high level. (3.12) at an average level.The researcher attributes this result to the fact that the various Islamic media, audio, visual and written, did not have a clear and significant impact in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordan, as their focus was directed towards other Islamic issues such as fatwas or religious awareness regarding issues. Religion, and the awareness it provided about the phenomenon of electronic addiction, did not reach the level expected and hoped for by the Islamic media, in addition to that other media outlets were also shedding light on the phenomenon of electronic addiction in a greater and more focused manner, and the media does not consider dealing with the issue of addiction Electronic priority in issues and programs presented through its various media.The researcher also attributes this result to the study sample, who are the students of the Faculty of Mass Communication, and what they possess in terms of knowledge, followup, analysis, and criticism more than others to the media in general, including the Islamic media, and she desatraed with the results of the study. Al-Qahtani ( 2019)that showed The degree of electronic addiction among preparatory year female students at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University was degree High.

Discussion Results related to the second question: Are there statistically significant differences at the level of (α≤0.05)to The role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities, due to the gender variable?

The results of this question showed that there is Statistically significant differences at the level of (α≤0.05) for the role of the Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities, according to the gender variable, and based on the calculated (T) value, as it reached(2.078) with a significance level of (0.038), where the differences were in favorMales, and the researcher attributes this to the fact that males have more freedom to browse the Internet, which allows them to follow up more and see the reality of the role of Islamic media in dealing with the phenomenon of electronic addiction in a larger way, in addition to that males are not busy inside the house, which gives them enough time to view the means media and give an accurate and clear opinion on the role of the Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction, and the results of this study agreed with the results of the study Boyaya (2017)that indicated There are statistically significant differences in the degree of electronic addiction due to the gender variable in the study sample in favor of males. This finding differed with study results Al-Zaidi (2015) which results appeared Ha There are no statistically significant differences between the arithmetic means of the electronic addiction scale due to the gender variable.

Discuss the results related to the question the third Are there statistically significant differences at the level of (α≤0.05) for the role of the Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities due to the variable University (Yarmouk, Middle East)?

The results of this question are shown There are no statistically significant differences for the role of Islamic media in reducing the phenomenon of electronic addiction from the point of view of students of media faculties in Jordanian universities, according to the university variable. Where the University of Jadara got the highest arithmetic average of (3.53), and Yarmouk University and the Middle East University got the lowest arithmetic average of (3.36), and the researcher attributes this result to the technological development and the communication revolution that reached all individuals in Jordan in different geographical locations, in addition to To the great similarity between the students of the four universities in terms of technological skills and their experiences with the means of communication through which they follow the Islamic media at any time they want, in addition to the great similarity in the courses, materials and skills that students receive in both universities, and there are no studies whose results agree or differ with the results of these the study.


• Conducting more research and related studies by the media Islamic And the role of each media in how to reduce the phenomenon of electronic addiction With the need to consider other variables such as (the age,Academic qualification, academic level...)

• Islamic media to strengthening its role in out each phenomenon of electronic addiction More by finding programs Working to shed more light on this phenomenon.

• Get upThe Ministry of Information and the media authorities responsible for directing the media in general and the Islamic media in particular to address the phenomenon of electronic addiction and warn against it through New methods in a way that attracts the audience, and host people Influencers to talk about the dangers of electronic addiction.


I would like to acknowledge the initial support received from Jadara University under grant

number Jadara-SR-Full2023. This support played a vital role in facilitating this research.


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