Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology

Dr. Omar Amir

Department of Basic Sciences Humanities Arts and Science faculty, Applied Science Private University, MEU Research Unit, Middle East University, Amman, Jordan

  • Full Length Research Paper   
    Design and Standardization of Fast Break Tests for Junior Handball Player in Jordan
    Author(s): Dr. Omar Amir, Dr. Maen Ahmad Mahmoud Shalan* and Prof. Mutasem Ahmad Farhan Khatatbeh

    This study aimed to design, standardize, percentile scores and standard levels for fast break test in handball, the descriptive approach has been used. The study sample was formed of Junior handball team (born 2006- 2007) whose number was 106 individuals that has been randomly selected. The researchers have conducted a set of interviews with some specialists in hand ball for building the tests of fast break in align with their actual reality. Four tests have been built for collecting data. To verify the validation of tests, the discriminant validity has been employed among the higher and lower groups, as the T value of the first test was (19.018-) and its significance level was (000.), as for the second level, its T value was (-16.994) and its significance level was (000.), while the T value of the third test was (-15.571) and its significance level was (000.), and the T value of the .. Read More»

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