Jorge Ivan Rodriguez Martinez
Valoracion Medica Metropolitana. Address: Luz Savinon 1152. Col. Narvarte poniente CDMX 03020, Mexico
Full Length Research Paper
Adaptation Of The "Steps For Health" Strategy Of Prevenimss For Physical Activation Of Older Adults
Author(s): Georgina Eugenia Bazan Riveron*, Maricela Osorio Guzmn, Renata Flores Jimenez and Jorge Ivan Rodriguez Martinez
The objective was to show the implementation of a strategy for physical. activation in Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS-of its acronym in spanish: Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social-), for 27 adults and older adults (74% women and 26% men) aged 53-71 (M=62.4, DT=5.3); evaluated through a sociodemographic and health card, an inventory of symptoms and a test of Physical Activity -AF- (Méndez, 2008). The magnitude of the strategy’s effect on physical performance was evaluated using Cohen's d, getting big changes (d=0.868 - d=0.997) in symptoms, balance, arm strength, flexibility and speed; medium changes were observed (d= 0.440- d=0.650) in the effect on health, legs strength, agility and endurance. The conclusion focuses the imperative need to adapt health programs for their effectiveness and the positive effect of the strategy on the participants’ hea.. Read More»