Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology

Indonesian Sport Climbing Athlete Women's Career view from Perspective of Mental Health


Mela Aryani*, Berliana Rahely, Komarudin and Dede Rohmat Nurjaya

The participation rate of women in masculine sports such as rock climbing is lower than men, because they consider themselves could not compete with men. There are several studies that investigate mental health related to gender, but there are limited studies related to rock climbing by female athletes. The objective of this study was to obtain concrete data regarding the careers of female athletes in Indonesia from a mental health perspective. This study used qualitative research with case study method. The respondent in this study was one female athlete who had gained international achievements as a snowball sampler, and the higher number of respondents were male coaches, head coaches, psychologists and parents of female athlete, which configurated a triangulation of respondents. The instruments included observation, open interviews, and documentation. The results of this research show that: (1) female athlete could increase their carreer and reach the peak of achievement, namely becoming champions in the IFSC Word Cup, (2) mental health significantly influences career and achievements of rock climbing athletes.


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